Mari’s Journaling Power Blog

Take ACTION for A Better Tomorrow

Learn from real people, just like you, how therapeutic journaling can benefit your life. Within these personal stories you’ll find journaling tips, tricks, inspiration and ideas that help you structure your journaling practice—and discover the true value journaling can bring to your life.

Find the inspiration to keep going and the motivation to make journaling work for you and your hectic schedule. Learn about these everyday people who made the decision to put pen to paper and how it transformed their lives!

Have a problem getting back into or staying with your Journaling Power Practice? CreateWriteNow provides 300+ unique, soul-searching journaling power prompts here that will inspire your Muse and jumpstart your word flow.

Mari's Journaling Power Blog

Managing Debt: Strategies For Becoming Financially Free

Managing your debts is crucial to achieving financial health. While some debts can be good, keeping them all under control is vital. Aim for financial freedom to enjoy more of the things that bring you joy. This means managing or eliminating debt so that you can focus on other rewarding opportunities.

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog

Communication Mastery: How Soft Skills Improve Writing Effectiveness

Do you want to add impact to your writing? Have you written essays that are technically sound but often feel flat when reading? What if we tell you that brushing up your communication skills can make...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog

How To Do A Journal Reset

You’re sitting down to write in your memory keeper and find the words a little overdone, maybe forced. You’re trying to reflect on important, personal events, to immortalize for all time and your...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog

Put Yourself First By Journaling

The emails keep coming. Work isn’t done. The laundry has piled up, and its takeout or eating week old leftovers—again. If you have kids, good luck walking on a piece of floor bare from brightly...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog

Wellness Words That Pay: How To Profit From Sharing Your Health Journaling Experience

Starting your own path to better health is a deeply personal change, and it can really turn your life around. Keeping a diary of your health quest does more than just light the way for folks seeking...
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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Therapy

Powerful Journaling Prompts For Manifestation

Introduction to Manifestation and the Law of Attraction

Welcome to the absolutely fascinating world of making your dreams come true, or as the pros call it, manifestation and the Law of Attraction....

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog

A Hand To Hold: Empowering Seniors After A Loss Of A Spouse

In the delicate dance of life, encountering the loss of a spouse is a profound and heart-wrenching experience, especially for the elderly. As you stand by your senior loved one during this tumultuous...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys

The Power of Journaling for Mental Health: Techniques and Tips

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, mental health often takes a back seat. Amidst the chaos, journaling has proven to be a powerful and accessible tool for promoting mental health. This is...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys

Creating Your Own Business: Where To Start

Embarking on the path of starting your very own business is an exciting yet formidable journey. It's a dream that many have, but it's also one that comes with its fair share of challenges and...

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Our Blog: Insights, Inspiration, and Empowerment

Mari’s Journaling Power Blog

Bash Sarmiento
February 24, 2024

Managing Debt: Strategies For Becoming Financially Free

Managing Debt: Strategies For Becoming Financially Free
Managing your debts is crucial to achieving financial health. While some debts can be good, keeping them all under control is vital. Aim for...
Daniel Martin
February 20, 2024

Communication Mastery: How Soft Skills Improve Writing Effectiveness

Communication Mastery: How Soft Skills Improve Writing Effectiveness
Do you want to add impact to your writing? Have you written essays that are technically sound but often feel flat when reading? What if we tell you...
Cathy Diaz
February 20, 2024

How To Do A Journal Reset

How To Do A Journal Reset
You’re sitting down to write in your memory keeper and find the words a little overdone, maybe forced. You’re trying to reflect on important,...
Cathy Diaz
February 7, 2024

Put Yourself First By Journaling

Put Yourself First By Journaling
The emails keep coming. Work isn’t done. The laundry has piled up, and its takeout or eating week old leftovers—again. If you have kids, good luck...
Casey Bloom
February 5, 2024

Wellness Words That Pay: How To Profit From Sharing Your Health Journaling Experience

Wellness Words That Pay: How To Profit From Sharing Your Health Journaling Experience
Starting your own path to better health is a deeply personal change, and it can really turn your life around. Keeping a diary of your health quest...
Loic Narbonne
January 31, 2024

Powerful Journaling Prompts For Manifestation

Powerful Journaling Prompts For Manifestation
Introduction to Manifestation and the Law of Attraction Welcome to the absolutely fascinating world of making your dreams come true, or as the pros...
Lucille Rosetti
January 13, 2024

A Hand To Hold: Empowering Seniors After A Loss Of A Spouse

A Hand To Hold: Empowering Seniors After A Loss Of A Spouse
In the delicate dance of life, encountering the loss of a spouse is a profound and heart-wrenching experience, especially for the elderly. As you...
January 3, 2024

The Power of Journaling for Mental Health: Techniques and Tips

The Power of Journaling for Mental Health: Techniques and Tips
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, mental health often takes a back seat. Amidst the chaos, journaling has proven to be a powerful and...
Emily Roberts
November 13, 2023

Creating Your Own Business: Where To Start

Creating Your Own Business: Where To Start
Embarking on the path of starting your very own business is an exciting yet formidable journey. It's a dream that many have, but it's also one that...

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