Mari’s Journaling Power Blog

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Learn from real people, just like you, how therapeutic journaling can benefit your life. Within these personal stories you’ll find journaling tips, tricks, inspiration and ideas that help you structure your journaling practice—and discover the true value journaling can bring to your life.

Find the inspiration to keep going and the motivation to make journaling work for you and your hectic schedule. Learn about these everyday people who made the decision to put pen to paper and how it transformed their lives!

Have a problem getting back into or staying with your Journaling Power Practice? CreateWriteNow provides 300+ unique, soul-searching journaling power prompts here that will inspire your Muse and jumpstart your word flow.

Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Therapy, Self Growth

3 Smart Steps to Build Your Self-Esteem and a Positive Outlook

Human beings are fragile creatures. Despite the outward appearances some might project, we are all susceptible to the slings and arrows of insults, belittlement, and just plain cruelty. As children, we are especially vulnerable to negative attitudes and the psychological damage that can be easily done when others point out our real or perceived shortcomings, our inadequacies, and the quirks that make us, us. The result can be low self-esteem and the damage can be long-lasting unless we do something about it.

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Health

6 Tried and True Methods to Get Control of Your Health

Every day we are bombarded with health-related articles and news stories – the latest diet trends; what we should and shouldn’t be eating and drinking; how, when, and where to exercise; warning signs...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Self Growth, Creative Journaling

5 Elements That Make Up a Healthy & Happy Marriage You Can’t Live Without

Every marriage has challenges. The key is how both parties work through them and work toward common goals. This requires not focusing on yourself, but instead focusing on the two of you as a unit,...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Creative Journaling, Health

Does Your Family Appreciate the Job of Being a Mother? How to Get a Break

If you’re a mom, chances are pretty good that you’re experiencing some level of stress on a regular basis – even daily. And that’s not surprising, considering that according to a recent study 70...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog

Book Review: Journaling Power. How to Create the Happy, Healthy Life You Want to Live

by Mari L. McCarthyCreateWriteNow,reviewed by Maria Okorn

Individuals seeking a therapeutic and transformative method for healing and growth should look no further than the very tool that lies at...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Self Growth

10 Steps to Organizing Your Living Space for a Happy and Healthy Home Life

While this may not seem obvious to some people, organizing your home and office can actually improve your happiness, health, and outlook on life. The key is a little insight and discipline.


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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Health

How Important is it to Manage Stress when Interacting with the Medical Establishment?

It should come as no surprise that most people don’t like to go see the doctor. Physicians often refer to this natural aversion as “white coat syndrome” – an all-too-human reaction to seeing medical...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Therapy, Health

Unlocking the Secrets to Managing the Devastating Impact of a Major Health Crisis

There are few things in life as destabilizing and emotionally crippling as a major health crisis. Often, in a split second, your life is turned upside down by an auto accident, an unexpected medical...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Therapy, Health

Ways to Manage Health Issues Through Natural, Organic, and Mind Methods

There is no question that we live in a “Pharmaceutical Society.” By that I mean we tend to view everything through the lens of “this can be cured with some kind of pill.” New and more powerful drugs...

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Our Blog: Insights, Inspiration, and Empowerment

Mari’s Journaling Power Blog

Posts by Mari L. McCarthy:

Mari L. McCarthy
April 11, 2019

3 Smart Steps to Build Your Self-Esteem and a Positive Outlook

3 Smart Steps to Build Your Self-Esteem and a Positive Outlook
Human beings are fragile creatures. Despite the outward appearances some might project, we are all susceptible to the slings and arrows of insults,...
Mari L. McCarthy
April 4, 2019

6 Tried and True Methods to Get Control of Your Health

6 Tried and True Methods to Get Control of Your Health
Every day we are bombarded with health-related articles and news stories – the latest diet trends; what we should and shouldn’t be eating and...
Mari L. McCarthy
March 28, 2019

5 Elements That Make Up a Healthy & Happy Marriage You Can’t Live Without

5 Elements That Make Up a Healthy & Happy Marriage You Can’t Live Without
Every marriage has challenges. The key is how both parties work through them and work toward common goals. This requires not focusing on yourself,...
Mari L. McCarthy
March 21, 2019

Does Your Family Appreciate the Job of Being a Mother? How to Get a Break

Does Your Family Appreciate the Job of Being a Mother? How to Get a Break
If you’re a mom, chances are pretty good that you’re experiencing some level of stress on a regular basis – even daily. And that’s not surprising,...
Mari L. McCarthy
March 18, 2019

Book Review: Journaling Power. How to Create the Happy, Healthy Life You Want to Live

Book Review: Journaling Power. How to Create the Happy, Healthy Life You Want to Live
by Mari L. McCarthy–CreateWriteNow,reviewed by Maria Okorn Individuals seeking a therapeutic and transformative method for healing and growth...
Mari L. McCarthy
March 14, 2019

10 Steps to Organizing Your Living Space for a Happy and Healthy Home Life

10 Steps to Organizing Your Living Space for a Happy and Healthy Home Life
While this may not seem obvious to some people, organizing your home and office can actually improve your happiness, health, and outlook on life. The...
Mari L. McCarthy
March 7, 2019

How Important is it to Manage Stress when Interacting with the Medical Establishment?

How Important is it to Manage Stress when Interacting with the Medical Establishment?
It should come as no surprise that most people don’t like to go see the doctor. Physicians often refer to this natural aversion as “white coat...
Mari L. McCarthy
February 28, 2019

Unlocking the Secrets to Managing the Devastating Impact of a Major Health Crisis

Unlocking the Secrets to Managing the Devastating Impact of a Major Health Crisis
There are few things in life as destabilizing and emotionally crippling as a major health crisis. Often, in a split second, your life is turned...
Mari L. McCarthy
February 21, 2019

Ways to Manage Health Issues Through Natural, Organic, and Mind Methods

Ways to Manage Health Issues Through Natural, Organic, and Mind Methods
There is no question that we live in a “Pharmaceutical Society.” By that I mean we tend to view everything through the lens of “this can be cured...

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