Learn from real people, just like you, how therapeutic journaling can benefit your life. Within these personal stories you’ll find journaling tips, tricks, inspiration and ideas that help you structure your journaling practice—and discover the true value journaling can bring to your life.

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Have a problem getting back into or staying with your Journaling Power Practice? CreateWriteNow provides 300+ unique, soul-searching journaling power prompts here that will inspire your Muse and jumpstart your word flow.

Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Creative Journaling

9 Ideas for Journaling This Holiday Season - 2019 Edition

Nine Ideas for Journaling This Holiday Season

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Creative Journaling

How low self-esteem affects your personal relationships

Healthy relationships – romantic and otherwise – are built upon mutual respect, open communication, fairness, and acceptance. When these attributes are compromised or eroded, relationships founder...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Therapy, Self Growth, Creative Journaling

The Top Common Causes for Low Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem almost always has roots in childhood and how we, as individuals, are raised and nurtured by parents, peers, and environment.

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Creative Journaling, Health

A Man’s Ultimate Process to Managing the Stress Created by a Health Crisis

Men face potential health threats that are often different in symptoms, effects, and severity when compared to women. The biggest threats to men’s health are heart disease, cancer, and unintentional...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Therapy, Self Growth, Creative Journaling

Men: The Advantage of Understanding Your Personal Identity

Men have perhaps never been so unsure of themselves as they are today. Definitions of what it means to be a man have been turned upside-down. The #MeToo movement has made even decent, respectful men...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Self Growth, Creative Journaling

An Almost Foolproof Way to Get in Touch with Your Emotions for a More Productive Life

For most men, the phrase “getting in touch with your emotions” is an eyeball-rolling cliché that conjures up images of a weepy girly-man sobbing over some imagined slight. In reality, having real...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Creative Journaling

How to Develop Great Relationships that Enrich Your Life

We humans are a social species. For the most part, we crave relationships with others. This is both an emotional and physical need, evolved over millennia to help protect and nurture our vulnerable...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Self Growth, Creative Journaling

5 Elements That Make Up a Healthy & Happy Marriage You Can’t Live Without

Every marriage has challenges. The key is how both parties work through them and work toward common goals. This requires not focusing on yourself, but instead focusing on the two of you as a unit,...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Creative Journaling, Health

Does Your Family Appreciate the Job of Being a Mother? How to Get a Break

If you’re a mom, chances are pretty good that you’re experiencing some level of stress on a regular basis – even daily. And that’s not surprising, considering that according to a recent study 70...

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Our Blog: Insights, Inspiration, and Empowerment

Mari’s Journaling Power Blog

Mari L. McCarthy
August 1, 2019

How low self-esteem affects your personal relationships

How low self-esteem affects your personal relationships
Healthy relationships – romantic and otherwise – are built upon mutual respect, open communication, fairness, and acceptance. When these attributes...
Mari L. McCarthy
June 13, 2019

The Top Common Causes for Low Self-Esteem

The Top Common Causes for Low Self-Esteem
Low self-esteem almost always has roots in childhood and how we, as individuals, are raised and nurtured by parents, peers, and environment.
Mari L. McCarthy
May 30, 2019

A Man’s Ultimate Process to Managing the Stress Created by a Health Crisis

A Man’s Ultimate Process to Managing the Stress Created by a Health Crisis
Men face potential health threats that are often different in symptoms, effects, and severity when compared to women. The biggest threats to men’s...
Mari L. McCarthy
May 23, 2019

Men: The Advantage of Understanding Your Personal Identity

Men: The Advantage of Understanding Your Personal Identity
Men have perhaps never been so unsure of themselves as they are today. Definitions of what it means to be a man have been turned upside-down. The...
Mari L. McCarthy
May 16, 2019

An Almost Foolproof Way to Get in Touch with Your Emotions for a More Productive Life

An Almost Foolproof Way to Get in Touch with Your Emotions for a More Productive Life
For most men, the phrase “getting in touch with your emotions” is an eyeball-rolling cliché that conjures up images of a weepy girly-man sobbing over...
Mari L. McCarthy
May 9, 2019

How to Develop Great Relationships that Enrich Your Life

How to Develop Great Relationships that Enrich Your Life
We humans are a social species. For the most part, we crave relationships with others. This is both an emotional and physical need, evolved over...
Mari L. McCarthy
March 28, 2019

5 Elements That Make Up a Healthy & Happy Marriage You Can’t Live Without

5 Elements That Make Up a Healthy & Happy Marriage You Can’t Live Without
Every marriage has challenges. The key is how both parties work through them and work toward common goals. This requires not focusing on yourself,...
Mari L. McCarthy
March 21, 2019

Does Your Family Appreciate the Job of Being a Mother? How to Get a Break

Does Your Family Appreciate the Job of Being a Mother? How to Get a Break
If you’re a mom, chances are pretty good that you’re experiencing some level of stress on a regular basis – even daily. And that’s not surprising,...

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