Learn from real people, just like you, how therapeutic journaling can benefit your life. Within these personal stories you’ll find journaling tips, tricks, inspiration and ideas that help you structure your journaling practice—and discover the true value journaling can bring to your life.

Find the inspiration to keep going and the motivation to make journaling work for you and your hectic schedule. Learn about these everyday people who made the decision to put pen to paper and how it transformed their lives!

Have a problem getting back into or staying with your Journaling Power Practice? CreateWriteNow provides 300+ unique, soul-searching journaling power prompts here that will inspire your Muse and jumpstart your word flow.

Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Therapy, Self Growth

7 Key Reasons Why You Should Keep a Diary

Keeping a diary sounds like a childish idea. The association that first comes to mind is either a teenage girl who is writing “Dear diary, I like this boy at school who doesn’t even notice me…”, or Bridget Jones type from a British-American comedy “Bridget Jones’s Diary” who wants to find love and writes about her lonely life.

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Self Growth

Conscious Living through Attitude Transformation

Are you experiencing a plateau in your life with your negative attitude, bad moods and lower energy levels? Have you been unconsciously sabotaging yourself in relationships by ripping them apart or... Read More

Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Self Growth, Creative Journaling

Journaling and Self-Reflective Writing

CreateWriteNow is pleased to host Wendy Brown-Báez and her poetic story of self discovery and love, 'Catch a Dream', as part of her WOW-WomenOnWriting Blog Tour.

People often ask me what the...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Self Growth

How to Write In Your Journal to Improve Yourself and Achieve Your Goals

Discover the essentials of writing in your journal; learn more about self-motivation and how to achieve your goals through extreme clarity!

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Therapy, Self Growth


When I was six - or maybe I was five - my mother gifted me an Annie Oakley skirt something like the one shown in this post. But, mine was filled with pockets that were filled with guns and my fringe...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Therapy, Self Growth

Self-Healing With The Solar Eclipse

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Self Growth

5 Easy Steps to Self-Discovery

Regardless of where we come from, what our jobs are, or what our personal life looks like, inevitably, each one of us ends up asking ourselves one very tough question:  Who am I? A simple question...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Self Growth, Creative Journaling

5 Tips To Help You Achieve The Impossible Goals

By Kimberley Martinez

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Self Growth, Self-Awareness

Journaling: From Awareness To Awesomeness

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Our Blog: Insights, Inspiration, and Empowerment

Mari’s Journaling Power Blog

Chris Richardson
July 17, 2018

7 Key Reasons Why You Should Keep a Diary

7 Key Reasons Why You Should Keep a Diary
Keeping a diary sounds like a childish idea. The association that first comes to mind is either a teenage girl who is writing “Dear diary, I like...
Melinda Carver
June 20, 2018

Conscious Living through Attitude Transformation

Conscious Living through Attitude Transformation
Are you experiencing a plateau in your life with your negative attitude, bad moods and lower energy levels? Have you been unconsciously sabotaging...
Wendy Brown-Baez
May 29, 2018

Journaling and Self-Reflective Writing

Journaling and Self-Reflective Writing
CreateWriteNow is pleased to host Wendy Brown-Báez and her poetic story of self discovery and love, 'Catch a Dream', as part of her...
Lori Wade
May 15, 2018

How to Write In Your Journal to Improve Yourself and Achieve Your Goals

How to Write In Your Journal to Improve Yourself and Achieve Your Goals
Discover the essentials of writing in your journal; learn more about self-motivation and how to achieve your goals through extreme clarity!
Nancy Mills
January 3, 2018


When I was six - or maybe I was five - my mother gifted me an Annie Oakley skirt something like the one shown in this post. But, mine was filled with...
Kimberley Martinez
June 6, 2017

5 Easy Steps to Self-Discovery

5 Easy Steps to Self-Discovery
Regardless of where we come from, what our jobs are, or what our personal life looks like, inevitably, each one of us ends up asking ourselves one...

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