Mari’s Journaling Power Blog

Take ACTION for A Better Tomorrow

Learn from real people, just like you, how therapeutic journaling can benefit your life. Within these personal stories you’ll find journaling tips, tricks, inspiration and ideas that help you structure your journaling practice—and discover the true value journaling can bring to your life.

Find the inspiration to keep going and the motivation to make journaling work for you and your hectic schedule. Learn about these everyday people who made the decision to put pen to paper and how it transformed their lives!

Have a problem getting back into or staying with your Journaling Power Practice? CreateWriteNow provides 300+ unique, soul-searching journaling power prompts here that will inspire your Muse and jumpstart your word flow.

Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys, Journaling for Men

10 Most Healthy & Nutritious Foods to Revitalize Your Body

Do you want to supplement your diet with some nutritional foods? That’s great! But when it comes to eating healthy, most of you are familiar with the fundamentals: fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. But there are many more healthy and nutritional food that can benefit your overall health.

This post is here to introduce you to some healthy foods you might not be acquainted with. So, let's get started and learn about these nutritious powerhouses!

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys, Journaling for Men

What You Need to Know About Prescription Medication Side Effects

Prescription medications have revolutionized the field of healthcare, offering effective solutions to a wide range of medical conditions. These drugs are meticulously developed, rigorously tested,...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys, Journaling for Men

How To Grow in Confidence and Achieve Professional Goals Through Career Journaling

To succeed in your industry and reach your professional goals, you need to have some degree of confidence. Confidence can help you in many ways and put you into new scenarios that will elevate your...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys, Journaling for Men

How Journaling Helps New Parents Navigate Early Parenthood

Becoming a parent is one of the most rewarding experiences you’ll have in your lifetime. But, anyone who already is a parent will be quick to tell you how exhausting it can be. Sometimes, it can even...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys, Journaling for Men

How To Turn a Journal Into a Book

Our journals often capture raw emotions, private reflections, and unique insights about life, making them a treasure trove of potential content for a book. The transition from a journal to a book not...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys

Growing Up Old-School Catholic (and daring to write about it!)

When I was a kid in the 1970s, I attended a Catholic grammar school in my hometown of Syracuse, New York. For eight years, the nuns pounded their yardsticks on the classroom floors, drilling their...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys

Unmasking the Art of Interviewing From Traditional to Tech-driven Methods

Job interviews are crucial to the hiring process since they aid in determining a candidate's abilities, background, and appropriateness for a particular position.

To adequately evaluate these...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys

What the Bleep is Journaling For The Health Of It®️?

Mari L. McCarthy from Create Write Now gives MysticMag an exclusive interview. After experiencing a life-altering moment due to Multiple Sclerosis, Mari discovered the healing power of journaling...

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys

Tips for Writing with ADHD

Living with ADHD can be an everyday battle. When I got diagnosed with ADHD 2 years ago (at 45), it felt huge. On the one hand, I didn’t know what that would mean for my writing moving forward. Most...

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Our Blog: Insights, Inspiration, and Empowerment

Mari’s Journaling Power Blog

Kunal Tambe
July 30, 2023

10 Most Healthy & Nutritious Foods to Revitalize Your Body

10 Most Healthy & Nutritious Foods to Revitalize Your Body
Do you want to supplement your diet with some nutritional foods? That’s great! But when it comes to eating healthy, most of you are familiar with the...
Andy Latkovskis
July 24, 2023

What You Need to Know About Prescription Medication Side Effects

What You Need to Know About Prescription Medication Side Effects
Prescription medications have revolutionized the field of healthcare, offering effective solutions to a wide range of medical conditions. These drugs...
Miles Oliver
July 21, 2023

How To Grow in Confidence and Achieve Professional Goals Through Career Journaling

How To Grow in Confidence and Achieve Professional Goals Through Career Journaling
To succeed in your industry and reach your professional goals, you need to have some degree of confidence. Confidence can help you in many ways and...
Miles Oliver
June 26, 2023

How Journaling Helps New Parents Navigate Early Parenthood

How Journaling Helps New Parents Navigate Early Parenthood
Becoming a parent is one of the most rewarding experiences you’ll have in your lifetime. But, anyone who already is a parent will be quick to tell...
David Costello
June 21, 2023

How To Turn a Journal Into a Book

How To Turn a Journal Into a Book
Our journals often capture raw emotions, private reflections, and unique insights about life, making them a treasure trove of potential content for a...
Regina Buttner
June 14, 2023

Growing Up Old-School Catholic (and daring to write about it!)

Growing Up Old-School Catholic (and daring to write about it!)
When I was a kid in the 1970s, I attended a Catholic grammar school in my hometown of Syracuse, New York. For eight years, the nuns pounded their...
Monica Kolan
June 12, 2023

Unmasking the Art of Interviewing From Traditional to Tech-driven Methods

Unmasking the Art of Interviewing From Traditional to Tech-driven Methods
Job interviews are crucial to the hiring process since they aid in determining a candidate's abilities, background, and appropriateness for a...
Mari L. McCarthy
June 9, 2023

What the Bleep is Journaling For The Health Of It®️?

What the Bleep is Journaling For The Health Of It®️?
Mari L. McCarthy from Create Write Now gives MysticMag an exclusive interview. After experiencing a life-altering moment due to Multiple Sclerosis,...
Naomi D. Nakashima
June 7, 2023

Tips for Writing with ADHD

Tips for Writing with ADHD
Living with ADHD can be an everyday battle. When I got diagnosed with ADHD 2 years ago (at 45), it felt huge. On the one hand, I didn’t know what...

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