Journal Writing Trains You To Become The World’s Greatest Goal Getter

Author - Mari L. McCarthy
Published - May 16, 2012

Journal Writing- GoalsMy friend Carey is frustrated because she wants very much to accomplish something but she just doesn't seem to get anywhere. Her passion for her goal never wanes; every day she's talking of it, dreaming and hoping and praying and even gathering ideas and tools. But nothing ever actually gets done.

She's a friend, but I only know her a little. From my limited perspective, I'd say there are many issues involved: fear of success; overwhelm at the magnitude of the challenge; general fatigue and confusion; and maybe many other inhibiting forces.

But it finally struck me that there's really just one major obstacle for her: she has not yet written out what she wants to accomplish. She has thought about it, talked about it, read and shared information with diligence. Yet that missing step – writing down the plan – means that all her effort is spinning wheels.

It's truly mysterious, yet easily provable. Somehow, the process of making a written articulation brings you much closer to manifesting your dream.

We use writing commonly in many ways to keep our lives organized and on track.
• For many, making a list of tasks for today is the first step in getting those chores done.
• In business, creating a written plan brings success with less stress.
• Writing down your dreams first thing in the morning is a practice that quickly results in increased dream recall.

Journaling, also, is a daily habit that improves self-awareness and inner calm.

Journal Writing about your goals involves two basic steps.

1. Describe the end product. Find the words to specify exactly what your goal will look like when it is fulfilled. Include all aspects of the goal and how it will change you or your world. By writing it, get to know your dream in intimate detail.

2. Meticulously create the steps it will take to get from where you are now to where you want to be. Write them as a list, or series of paragraphs, or collection of stickies that you can re-arrange.

The miracle of writing as a productivity tool does not work unless you hand write.  And that means Pen to Page Every Day!

Give us your success stories on journal writing and your goal getting. If you want to write a guest blog about it, we'll gladly publish it.  

Sign up for our next Journaling Challenge: Start Journaling and Change Your Life in 7 Days!start journaling challenge


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