Make a Vision Collage to Start the New Year Off Right

Author - Mari L. McCarthy
Published - December 28, 2012

art journalingThe end of the year is always a hectic and festive time, full of parties, family get-togethers and traditional celebrations. By the end of December, you might feel like you haven’t stopped to catch your breath in weeks. Before the New Year’s Eve festivities begin, take a little time for quiet reflection and journaling about your hopes for the coming year.

Creating a vision collage is a therapeutic and energizing way to sort through the most important priorities in your personal and professional life and display them through art. Unwind and let your inner artist out to play!

Art Journaling Into 2013

1. Spend five minutes warming up your creativity by journaling about the coming year. Leave your mind open and write whatever ideas pop into your head.

2. Take out collage materials – a stack of old magazines, newspapers or photos, a pair of scissors, a glue stick and your personal journal. Flip through your visual materials and cut out images or words that appeal to you. As you see something that resonates with you, ask yourself, “What about this do I like? Why is it important to me?” Consider how it is relevant to your life – for example, if it applies to your health, talents, goals, travels, interests, career path or loved ones in the new year. This process should be fun and relaxing, so allow plenty of time to browse and reflect on your selections.

3. When you have a good pile of clippings, spread them all out on the table in front of you. Open your journal so you have two side-by-side blank pages to work with, and begin arranging and gluing photos and images in a design you like.

4. Once you have finished your vision collage, sit back and admire it for a moment. What does it say about your values and priorities? What kind of picture does it paint for what you will accomplish in the next 12 months? Did you learn anything new or surprising about yourself while creating this collage? Jot down a few thoughts or observations in your journal.

5. Use your vision collage as a focal point as you begin your new year—look at it often to spark your inspiration and creativity!

What are you most looking forward to in the new year?

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