Reflective Journaling Prompt: My Favorite Words

Author - Mari L. McCarthy
Published - December 7, 2012

reflective journalingWe use words for many different purposes in the course of a single day: to make a business phone call at the office, to scold the dog when he uses your shoe as a chew toy, to say “I love you” to your children when you tuck them in at night.

A 2007 study published in Science magazine shows that the average adult speaks thousands of words each day (16,215 words for women and 15,669 for men). What’s more difficult to measure is why you, as an individual, prefer certain words over others. Have you ever thought about what your favorite words are? In your personal journal, write about the words that seem to just roll right off the tongue (or the pen!).

Get Wordy Through Reflective Journaling

1. Start by thinking about the words you use regularly, in your work, during activities you enjoy or with your family and friends. In your personal journal, brainstorm a list of words or phrases you find yourself using often in conversation. For example:

• Fantastic
• Cut to the chase
• Fiasco
• Abbreviation
• Community

2. Reread your list and highlight or underline your favorite words. You don’t need to have a reason for liking certain words – just go with your gut.

3. Now switch gears and reflect on words or phrases you simply like, whether or not you have a need to use them frequently (for example, a friend of mine has always loved the word “anesthesiologist” because it’s just fun to say). Brainstorm a second list in your journal. For example:

• Chatterbox
• Frankincense
• Frolic
• Superstitious
• Cavern

4. Highlight your favorite words from your second list, then compare them with your first list. Do you notice any patterns or common traits among the different words? Do any of the definitions have significance for you, or are you more interested in the sound or cadence of the words?

5. Make up a short story or a series of sentences using some of your favorite words. Get silly with it, and don’t worry too much about it making sense.

What are a few of your favorite words? Share in the comments.

Happy New Year! Schedule a Journaling for the Self of It session with Mari and jump-start your reflective journaling practice! 

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