Mari’s Journaling Power Blog

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys, Journaling for Men

How 10 Months of Journaling and Planning Boosted My Productivity

Like most entrepreneurs, I’ve often been too busy putting out fires and helping everyone. 

In fact, one of my daily prayers (yes I do that; I am weird I know), was, literally, to “gain more clarity”. This is since finding what has to be done first was (and still is) hard in a maze of responsibilities, distractions, requests, and expectations. 

I did try a few bullet journals and/or planners but there were 2 problems: 

  • They were too small in size for my taste
  • The prompts in them were either non-existent, irrelevant, or had no foundational basis

 Then I came across the High-Performance Planner by Brendon Burchard (NYT bestselling author and high-performance coach) which I’ve stuck with for the last 10 months, and I am here to share how it has been helpful in boosting my productivity and much more.

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Mari’s Journaling Power Blog

Posts by Syed Irfan Ajmal:

Syed Irfan Ajmal
December 28, 2020

How 10 Months of Journaling and Planning Boosted My Productivity

How 10 Months of Journaling and Planning Boosted My Productivity
Like most entrepreneurs, I’ve often been too busy putting out fires and helping everyone. In fact, one of my daily prayers (yes I do that; I am...

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