To become a better problem solver, you need to train your mind. You must cultivate and preserve the right thoughts and proceed with the right action. Moreover, you could take advantage of several journaling techniques which will boost your ability to solve problems in a practical manner.
In today’s post, we’re talking about the 6 journaling techniques for problem solving. Pay attention to our notes and try your best to put everything into action.
1. Note Feelings and Thoughts
There are times when you feel sad without any particular reason, or you are overthinking small and irrelevant problems without managing to help yourself in these moments. Journaling about how you feel or have felt on that day will significantly minimize or completely remove your problems.
In almost no time, you will develop a better understanding of your emotions, a quality that will help you understand the cause of your problems. Your thoughts are often conducted by your emotions and the other way around. Therefore, noting down your thoughts and feelings will help you clear your mind and focus on the solution instead of the problem.
2. Morning Pages
Julia Cameron has developed an amazing journaling technique that revolves around writing three pages about absolutely anything that may come to your mind every single morning.
You can think about this technique as a warm-up for the brain. It allows you to free your mind of unnecessary thoughts and enter a much clearer state of creativity and clarity that’ll have effect throughout your day.
These morning pages are a real problem-solver whenever you find trouble focusing on your job or your creativity and inspiration are blocked. Just allow your mind to fly wherever it wants to and you may find your inspiration in the weirdest thoughts.
3. Relief Letter
This technique is perfect for resolving your disagreements with others. You can write a letter for whoever you disagree with, like your boss, your teacher, your parents, your coworker, or your life partner. But this type of letter is not really supposed to reach its destination. So, there is no point to lie, cheat, or manipulate through this letter. In fact, this is a liberation letter that’ll set you free from your challenging negative emotions.
Remember. The purpose of a relief letter is to allow you to come to a better understanding of the disagreement in order to eventually solve it. Furthermore, this unsent letter should relieve all the negative emotions that stacked up because of someone who is unreachable - a family member or friend that has passed away.
4. Perspective Writing
Writing from more perspectives can help you combat many stressful problems. Take each problem and approach it from 10 different perspectives. Try your best to find as many options and alternatives (you’ll often have to force yourself to do it.
This process helps you become objective so you can make a rational decision. Most of the times, you will realize that this technique will help you find the most unexpected solutions. Furthermore, this strategy can be used from both a future and a past perspective. You can ask yourself what would your life be if you are not stepping up your game, so you will gain the necessary motivation to get out of your comfort zone. .
5. Bullet Journaling
If you always find it hard to organize your life, keeping a bullet journal will probably be the best option that could solve your problem. There are no long sentences involved, just quick notes. A bullet journal is a place where you organize your life daily, monthly, and yearly.
You can set your goals for the upcoming year, you can plan your day in accordance to your priorities, you can keep track of how much money you spent, and you can measure how much weight you gained or lost during the last month.
Many of you may think that there is no need to keep track of such things through a journal because you can keep it all in your head. But wouldn’t your life be much simple and easy without all these small reminders that you consistently have to feed?
6. Gratitude Expression
Keeping a gratitude journal will have a lot of positive effects on your life. You will gain a lot of clarity in your life while getting rid of all the unnecessary things in your life. By making a habit of writing down what you are grateful for every night, you’ll quickly solve a lot of issues without any conscious effort.
You will become more self-aware, you will be able to accept who you are and what you feel, and your stress levels will decrease as you slowly realize that your life is not that bad after all.
There are many journaling techniques which will help you solve all kind of existing problems. Take these techniques into consideration, see which ones appeal to you the most, and start trying each until you find one that improves your problem-solving capacities and results!

Are you ready to make a change in your life, but not sure where to begin? Our Start Changing Your Life! self-paced journaling course can help.
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