More Free Teleseminars: Taking Care of the Caregiver is for Everyone!

Author - Mari L. McCarthy
Published - July 28, 2015

By Batiyah Lampl

Pixmac000055298705I want to be sure all of Mari’s readers know about a *FREE* series of teleseminars that I’ve been hosting this summer.

As someone who has had the responsibility of caring for a family member with a mental illness, I know the benefits of journal writing to help bring clarity and healing to oneself in that situation. Through my interest in journaling, I met Mari McCarthy, who has proven to be an indispensable friend and ally. She even co-sponsors the Teleseminar Series!

The Taking Care of the Caregiver Teleseminar Series started up in April. We still have an impressive list of presentations coming up over the next two months. If you register now, you’ll have access to the recordings of previous conversations and you can attend upcoming ones live or listen to the recordings.

Though the series focuses on people who are caring for a family member, it’s chock full of information and inspiration for any person who is looking for tools that will boost their ability for better self-care.

While I’m no longer in the position of being the primary care-giver for a loved-one with a mental disorder, I am the member of a family that includes more than one person with such a disorder. So it is still a regular part of my family life. And wow, am I getting a lot out of these talks— I mean serious, in-the-moment, experiential help. One of the recent speakers had us do an exercise that brought us to a place deep peace – right there during the call!

The content of these calls is truly stress-relieving, with practical, grounded exercises that work immediately. It’s so helpful that I want everyone to get this information!

Just a few of the topics we have already covered (which, again, you can access as recordings when you sign up for the series) include:

  • Mari’s Journaling: the Ultimate Self-Care Tool for Caregivers
  • How Positive Parenting can Help you with your Challenging Child’s Behavior with Tina Feigal
  • Forgiveness: Your Path to Health and Inner Peace, with Ana Holub
  • Practical Tools for Better Self-Care for Parents of Special Needs Children with Beth Spicer
  • How to Use the Enneagram to Develop Greater Understanding and a More Loving Relationship Between You, the Caregiver, and Your Partner, with Herb Pearce
  • Using Reiki to Bring Better Balance Between Mind, Body and Spirit—Thus Leading to Ultimate Healing with Sue Sturtevant
  • Rick Malter– Stress, Nutrition, and the Caregiver
  • Rosalie Malter – Yoga Wisdom for Caregivers

Upcoming sessions include:

  • Joy Taylor – How to Succeed Working From Home
  • Ethelle Lord – How in the world… and now what do I do? (For caregivers of a loved-one with Alzheimer’s)
  • Rachel Neumann – Empowering Tips to Eliminate Caregiver Burnout
  • Ariel Schultz – Building Personal Resilience through Mindfulness Practices
  • Sandra Zerner – Why Raising a Good Kid Makes Your Parenting Job Less Stressful
  • Jennifer Mathews – How Focusing on the Present Transforms Loss
  • Sebastien Gentry – New Frontiers In Wellness Using Laughter

Pretty illuminating stuff, right? It costs exactly $0 and could very well be a life-changer for you.

I hope you will join us for these teleseminars. They WILL improve your daily life. Sign up here and get all the details!


BatiyahBatiyah Lampl, is publisher of Reflect Relate Renew — the online magazine for caregivers of a loved-one with a mental disorder. 

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