Wednesday Journaling Writes: Signs of Journal Writing Deprivation

Author - Mari L. McCarthy
Published - August 1, 2012


We have a tendency to ignore anything that’s not right in our faces. Often, something overtwednesday journaling writes has to happen to bring our attention to the fact that we’re in trouble and need to take steps to right our course.

As with an illness, or an approaching relationship problem, little signals may bubble up that seem innocent, but when examined more closely may be understood as hints that we need to sit up and notice.

It’s just a sneeze, for instance, but then it turns out to be a full blown cold. Or it’s just one little instance of uncaring, but then it becomes an unbridgeable divide.

So if you notice one or more of the following happening in your own behavior, take a good close look to make sure severe journaling deprivation is not the culprit.

Road rage – Do you shock even yourself with the stream of profanity that can pour from what seems to be your very own mouth? Re-establish tranquility by journaling the event and your feelings.

Mental confusion – Are you feeling vital and on top of it, or are you often foggy-headed, confused by your experiences, not to mention your own thoughts. The place to untangle is your journal.

Talking too much (or too little) – Do you rue recent conversations in which you found out exactly zero about the other person because you were talking all the time? Or, conversely, does it seem that other people always monopolize your dialog? Have a chat with yourself in your journal.

Being distracted – Is it hard to listen or hold your attention on any one thing? Whether you know the source of your distractedness or not, being detached this way is a real threat to your well-being. Gather up all the loose ends in your journal.

Losing things – There are really no coincidences, right? Losing things – keys, remote control, your car in a parking lot – may be symptomatic of journal starvation. Get your mind in order through your pen on the page.

Not wanting to get up in the morning – Even if you’re a night owl, your distaste for getting up should not be extreme. If you lie there fighting reality every day, there’s no doubt you need some therapy to turn things around. Help is as close as your bedside journal.

Boredom – Does boredom smother you all too often? Everyone feels bored now and then, but if your ennui is habitual, it can become crippling. Banish it by wielding your journal, reveling in its measureless depths!

‘Course, there are other indicators as well. What are some you’ve noticed?


If you’ve really regressed and not journaled for a long time, or if you’re just starting, you might want to check out my Journaling Jumpstarter Kit!

journaling kit


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