Journaling Power Blog Tour: Bare Root Health

Author - Mari L. McCarthy
Published - March 12, 2021

Create Write Now's very own Mari L. McCarthy is being featured in a month long WOW! blog tour. WOW! is a global magazine, designed to support women's creativity, energy, blood, sweat and tears through all stages of the writing process. 

For the month of March, Mari L. McCarthy's work on her book Journaling Power is being featured on the WOW blog tour with stops at many prominent websites along the way. Each stop features interviews, reviews, take-aways, and other great insights into Journaling Power.

Todays stop is a review written by Heather Brittain of Bare Root Health as well as a great video interview with Mari L. McCarthy that you won't want to miss. Bare Root Health provides wellness coaching for women.

Check out todays tour stop at Bare Root Health!



MariHeadshotwith2BookDoubleAwards-Mar-01-2021-12-59-41-85-PMAuthor bio: Mari L. McCarthy, Founder and Inner Work Tour Guide of CreateWriteNow.comshows curious health-conscious people how to use Journaling For The Health Of It®️ to heal the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual issues in their tissues and to know and grow their True Self. She’s the multi-award-winning author ofJournaling Power: How To Create The Happy, Healthy Life You Want To LiveandHeal Your Self With Journaling Power.She’s also created 20+ Journaling For The Health Of It® Inner Journey Workbooks that include Who Am I?, Declutter Your Life In 28 Days, and Take Control Of Your Health In 24 Days.



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