Mari’s Journaling Power Blog

Take ACTION for A Better Tomorrow

Learn from real people, just like you, how therapeutic journaling can benefit your life. Within these personal stories you’ll find journaling tips, tricks, inspiration and ideas that help you structure your journaling practice—and discover the true value journaling can bring to your life.

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys

Paula Vene Smith Of Grinnell College: How Journaling Helped Me Be More Calm, Mindful And Resilient

This is an interview by Heidi Sander and originally ran in the January 4 edition of Authority Magazine (republished with permission)

Journaling is a powerful tool to gain clarity and insight especially during challenging times of loss and uncertainty. Writing can cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and provide an outlet for calmness, resilience and mindfulness. When my mom passed on, I found writing to be cathartic. When I read through my journal years later, there were thoughts that I developed into poems, and others that simply provided a deeper insight into myself. In this series I’m speaking with people who use journaling to become more mindful and resilient.

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Mari's Journaling Power Blog | Journaling Journeys

Tap into the Power of Discovering Diaries

Most advice about journaling encourages us to simply “pick up a pen, grab a notebook, and write down your thoughts.” A sense of freshness and spontaneity helps people get started. But journal writing...

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Our Blog: Insights, Inspiration, and Empowerment

Mari’s Journaling Power Blog

Explore Mari’s Journaling Power Blog for actionable insights and inspiration. Empower yourself for a better tomorrow through transformative journaling practices.

Posts by Paula Vene Smith:

Paula Vene Smith
January 28, 2022

Paula Vene Smith Of Grinnell College: How Journaling Helped Me Be More Calm, Mindful And Resilient

Paula Vene Smith Of Grinnell College: How Journaling Helped Me Be More Calm, Mindful And Resilient
This is an interview by Heidi Sander and originally ran in the January 4 edition of Authority Magazine (republished with permission) Journaling is a...
Paula Vene Smith
September 2, 2019

Tap into the Power of Discovering Diaries

Tap into the Power of Discovering Diaries
Most advice about journaling encourages us to simply “pick up a pen, grab a notebook, and write down your thoughts.” A sense of freshness and...

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