5 Simple Therapeutic Writing Exercises

Author - Esther Crowder
Published - June 22, 2020

We have all gone through stages of high anxiety and distress in our lives. No human being is exempt from problems, and there are times when we must carry heavy burdens. Therapeutic writing exercises are a great way to deal with these painful feelings, which are unpleasant and worthless once heard.

5 Exercises

For centuries, pen and paper have proven to be more than just elements. Their work is not just about taking notes or writing: they are the vehicle that gives free rein to our emotions, which allows us to express ourselves without fear, and that shapes our feelings. Isn't reading the best (and healthiest) activity to escape? Thanks to it, we are transported to distant worlds and find ourselves. So, should not write fulfills a similar function?

In the 1960s, the American psychologist Ira Progoff first established the Intensive Journaling Method, which consisted, in effect, of writing a diary. Since then, numerous studies support the usefulness of this practice, which has become increasingly common. Let us think that therapeutic writing exercises fulfill an essential function. They are comfortable and can be done anywhere, and anyone, no matter what the problem, can do them. Let's get to know them a little better.


5 therapeutic writing exercises:

 To begin with, we only need a pen and a sheet of paper. We should place ourselves in a place where we can feel relaxed and comfortable, if possible, away from the noise. If we wish, it is possible to add some soft music to harmonize the atmosphere.

Scented candles and air fresheners are also a good recommendation. We should try to be quiet, and if possible, alone.


1: The diary of positive things

Many people keep a diary since childhood. In it, they write curious anecdotes and exciting things that have happened to us (although that doesn't always mean happy news). In this case, the diary should only serve to write down everything positive that we see every day.

And no, it is not impossible. Take it as a challenge: when you wake up every morning, you should look at all the right things around you. Write them down and read them at night before you go to sleep. You will be amazed to find out that life is not as gray as you think.

2: Put your ideas in order

Take the pen and, for half an hour, write down everything that comes into your head. It doesn't matter if they are unconnected or meaningless phrases. You can draw, make lists of anything you can think of, or write down random names.

Crazy as it sounds, it will help you sort out your thoughts and find out what your innermost feelings are. It's an excellent way to get to know yourself a little better and delve into your psyche.

3: Unburden yourself

If something's making you feel bad, write it down. Pretend it's a letter addressed to the reason for your discontent and let it out. Express everything you are thinking: your pain, your fears, and your anger. You will feel a great release, and you will feel much better when you are done.

You can then choose to burn the letter or give it to the person to whom it is addressed. Only you know if it's a good idea or not: it may take a load off your mind, but the opposite can also happen. Think about the consequences of coldly before you act.

4: Design your dreams

Write down on a piece of paper what your goals are. There will probably be many, some impossible to visualize in your head. Think about them and ask yourself, is it impossible to achieve them? Is it not that I am afraid of failure? Is there a more realistic alternative?

Whatever you decide, only you can know how far you are willing to go. No one is going to judge you if you fail, and if you do, you must not care. Design the life you want, visualize it, and motivate yourself. Motivate yourself to keep fighting for what you want, because it is much better to try and fall than always to be left with doubt.

5: The bad day's letter

There will be days when you see everything black. The slightest bit of nonsense will make you angry; you will argue with everyone and think you have got off on the wrong foot. For these unfortunate times, try to have a letter stored on your nightstand or in a safe place: the lousy day's message.

To do this, choose a day when you feel pleased, and write a letter to yourself. Tell your other self how proud you are of him, and all the good things he has. You may need that boost of positive energy when you have your famous "bad day," so keep it safe.

Therapeutic writing exercises are a great help, especially when we don't feel right or need an extra boost of confidence. They teach us to put our thoughts in order and to recycle our feelings; in short, they are great emotional support that many times people cannot or cannot give us.



Esther Crowder

Author bio:

Esther Crowder is an e-commerce consultant, freelance blogger, and free writer at wow essays company. He writes articles in various online blogs on the subject and online magazines.







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