Podcast: Mindset and How to Manage it with Mari McCarthy

Author - Carrie Rowan
Published - Nov 14, 2022 10:30:23 AM

Carrie Rowan interviews Mari L. McCarthy — the author of “Mindset Medicine: A Journaling Power Self-Love Book

In Episode #4 of Look for the Good, Carrie opens the show with a lively discussion about mindset and how to manage it. Tune in as she answers questions like: How do we become aware of our habitual emotional states? How do we change our mindset in an instant?

Carrie will remind you that you always have a choice. Once you become aware of your mindset, you have the power to choose to change it. By sharing some easy to use tips and tools, Carrie helps you get to the root of what affects our mindset and how our stories can alter our mindset both positively and negatively. She wraps up the first part of the show by sharing 5 easy ways to shift your mindset and feel better fast  – so don’t miss this one!

Stay tuned for the second half of the show when she introduces her special guest Mari McCarthy, Best Selling Author and Founder of Create Write Now, the home of Journaling for the Health of it. Mary will impart some brilliant gems of wisdom from her new, best selling book, Mindset Medicine: A Journaling Power Self-Love Book. Mary talks about how we store our issues in our tissues and journaling is a great and easy tool to get that stuff out. Mary shares some of her personal journalizing experiences and how they transformed her awareness and her mindset as well. She talks about the power of journaling and how it tells the Universe what it is that we truly want and creates more synchronicity in our lives. Tune in to this empowering and inspiring show every Monday at 5am and 5pm on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network.

Learn More about Carrie here: https://carrierowan.com/



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