Journal Prompts #308 - DeCluttering Is An Inside Job

Author - Mari L. McCarthy
Published - Fri, Aug 14, 2015 @ 06:59 PM



Pick one of the ways to declutter your monkey mind and use it in a journaling session. Then pick another and another and another. See, you have #journal writing prompts for 8 sessions. #WriteON!
Where do I not have enough control over my emotional responses?
Your home should be a source of solace and comfort, but often becomes a source of stress in our lives. The Declutter Your Life in 21 Days self-paced journaling course will help you take charge of your physical space, create harmony in your life, and end the battle with clutter for good. 
Declutter Your Life in 21 Days - Self-Paced Journaling Course - eBook Cover

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