Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

My Greatest Benefits of Journal Writing: A Short List

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | June 3, 2015

This post celebrates my friend @Dawn Herring's 5th anniversary of #JournalChat Live. Thank you Dawn, of for guiding and encouraging us to #WriteON!


Since rediscovering My Singer is one of the greatest and earliest benefits I've received from my daily, pen-to page Journal Writing Practice, I thought I'd present my greatest benefits in musically themed bullet points:  

Let It Be

My inner world is now a sanctuary of space and solitude rather than a source of suffering, stress and strain. My current word choices include mindfulness, awareness and self-compassion…

My Journal Writing Practice has given me the guidance and the courage to compassionately confront my inner critic and rewrite his job description so that he now provides me with constructive criticism and positive feedback only. If he doesn’t, he knows that it’s time to go play in traffic.

All the Time

My Journal Writing has helped me unload not only my own unhealthy negative self-thoughts but the weight of carrying around and spending my energy on fixing and saving the world! I now focus my time on becoming the best me possible and sharing my expertise and experience with people who choose to partake of my offerings and transform their life.

After a lot (and I mean a  lot) of journal writing, I acknowledge that I am my own primary healthcare provider and self-healer and I choose the health care partners I need to improve my physical, mental and spiritual health. My body and I enjoy an awesomely intimate partnership today.

I've Gotta Be Me

Now that I know, accept, and embrace my True Self, I want share my journal writing expertise and experiences. And that's why I brought CreateWriteNow online: to show everyone how to uncover, discover and recover their True Self and create their happiest, healthiest life ever. And getting this kind of comment from other journalers is another of my greatest  benefits:

“I have decided to continue to journal. I found it very therapeutic (and safer) to pour out my feelings on paper. Rereading my entries days later brought clarity in some areas and fueled determination in others. I am hopeful and excited about my future!”


Do you find yourself dwelling on missed opportunities? Or perhaps you're having trouble making sense of it all? Please download our free ebook, CreateWriteNow's Expert Guide to Therapeutic Journaling,  shows you journaling can provide the tools you need to achieve the happiness we all deserve.