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Journaling Around Love

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | November 19, 2014

The definition of love and awareness of it in your daily life is always a healing journal writing prompt.

And speaking of Baby Boomers, it’s arguable that the single most influential phrase of our blossoming years was the Beatles’ immortal lyric, “All you need is love.” 

It is still such a comforting and helpful idea. Whatever the situation, looking for the love inevitably provides a solution. I don't know why governments and judges and the world at large haven't figured that out yet.

I read today that 21% of Baby Boomers contribute to charities monthly. That seems like a statistic we can celebrate. Though you might actually wish for 100% participation in charitable giving, by today’s standards, 21% is pretty darn good. 

Maybe we boomers aren’t such greedy, ungrateful slobs as some would have us think. 

We did understand, even if only fleetingly, that love really is all you need. And, at least in our charitable giving habits, we still cling to that notion, on the whole.

Let’s do a journaling journey to the heart of love. 

Wednesday - All You Need           

What is that? List all the things you need, as you journal today. At first, be generous, making a long list that includes everything you can think of. Then whittle it down. Ask, what do I truly essentially need? 

Thursday – Basic 3

From that list of essential needs that you came up with yesterday, write in depth about three of your most fundamental requirements for wellbeing. (You can skip such things as air and water. After basic survival, what are your must-haves? What exactly makes them so indispensable?) 

Friday – Love Is

Meditate on this. Imagine all the ways you might complete the sentence, Love is … Write out as many of your thoughts as you wish in your journal. 

Saturday – Love Lives       

Look out in the world to find examples of love in action. Whether that means taking a trip or weeding the garden or eating a meal with a friend, let part of your experience today be about where love lives. Then journal it in detail, maybe including a scrapbook item or doodle or sketch to mark this Special Saturday! 

Sunday – Love Gives

We’ve often noted that giving to other people results in better self-love. How do you like to give? People give money, skills, time, prayer, and other offerings. What’s best for you? Where can you direct your giving? 

Monday – Non-attachment

No matter how much love you hold, and nurture, and give, you can still be confronted by failure and disappointment. Remember that awesome quote from Mother Theresa, right? The love you give must not expect any reward other than the health and happiness that loving itself gives you. Journal your thoughts around the concept of non-attachment.

Tuesday - Imagine

Today in your journal, compare your needs and your loves. Are they well-aligned or mismatched? If the latter, what could you do to bring them more precisely together? 


Looking for inspiration?  Use my journal prompts when you need some ideas to get your journaling juices flowing!