Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

3 How Quirky Are You Journal Writing Prompts

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | June 1, 2013

Your unusual habits, small obsessions and passionate likes and dislikes are what make you unique. Maybe you can’t resist popping the entire sheet of bubble wrap every time you receive a package in the mail or you put hot sauce and ketchup on everything from scrambled eggs to sandwiches.

What are your individual quirks? Take out your personal journal and spend 10 to 20 minutes free-writing about your idiosyncrasies.

3 Quirky Journal Writing Prompts

1.    Quirks You Like

Describe the peculiarities you like best about yourself. What do you think is funny, interesting, creative or endearing? What sets you apart from others in a positive way? What do you think your friends and family appreciate most about you? For example:

•    I can remember song lyrics from 20 years ago without even trying (comes in handy at karaoke)
•    I think it’s OK to eat cold pizza or chocolate cake for breakfast every now and then
•    I love packing a car for a road trip – it’s like a 3-D puzzle, and I am obsessed with getting everything to fit perfectly

2.    Quirks You’d Like to Change

No one is perfect, and you probably have a couple habits up your sleeve that you wish you could break. Write about your personal quirks that annoy or frustrate you. What drives your loved ones crazy? What have you tried to change in the past? For example:

•    I am always running late and rushing frantically out the door
•    I am terrible with remembering names
•    I have a short attention span and have a hard time finishing books, movies, TV shows, etc.

3.    Quirks You Keep a Secret

Tell your personal journal about the mannerisms or characteristics that you haven’t shared with anyone (don’t worry, it can keep a secret). What quirks are offbeat, hard-to-explain or just a little odd? For example:

•    I give myself a pep talk in front of the mirror every morning
•    I still have to look at my hands (at the “L” formed by the left hand) to tell my right from left
•    I drink milk straight from the carton when no one is looking

Share one of your observations in the comments!

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