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Journal Power: 7 Tips to Grow Your Intuition

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | April 16, 2014

What is intuition? Wikipedia says it is “the ability to acquire knowledge without inference or the use of reason.” Most of us understand intuition as a sense of knowing something without having empirical proof of it.

You've seen it in operation. You may have been waiting for someone who is late and your intuition informs you whether or not to be seriously worried. When you wake in the morning, you may have an intuitive feeling about the day ahead. When you walk into a new environment, your intuition often gives you sensations that convey various subtle messages.

For the most part, we rely on factual data and information we can back up with proof. But we also depend on intuition to fill in the gaps when hard facts are absent.

If you’d like to increase your awareness of intuitive information, try using your journal as a tool.

Being sensitive to intuitive messages is mostly a matter of listening. What do you hear when you focus intently on listening?

Recognizing intuitions when they occur takes practice. Often, you’ll realize later on that you had an intuitive knowing of some kind. When in the midst of progress towards some intended goal, we often don’t pause to respect an intuitive thought that may suggest changing something, even reversing course. Then we regret not paying attention to information that may have been helpful.

Try using your journal in these ways to grow your intuition.

  1. I recommend keeping a dedicated notebook for intuition journaling. Show your intuition how much you value it; give it its own special space.
  2. Journal in all the many different ways you know to approach a theme: analyzing the meaning of the word, ‘intuition;’ listing all the ways it appears in your life; dreaming of its perfect expression.
  3. Keep a running tab of instances of intuition that come across your radar, whether it’s inner knowing that you feel yourself or a story about someone else’s intuition.
  4. Make note of intuitions that come to you, but don’t over-analyze them. Receptivity to intuition is mostly a matter of blurring the vision and allowing impressions. You don’t want to get too cerebral about it.
  5. However, expressing intuitions through creative media may be helpful. Make sketches or songs, for instance. Or write in your journal a fantasy about the intuition, an adventure or fairy tale that takes the shape of your ‘knowing’ without dissecting it intellectually.
  6. In your journal, ask for increased intuitive perceptions. What do you want or need more information about? In what area could you really use some input from the cosmos? Articulating your questions in writing will bring the answers far more quickly.
  7. As you continue looking for answers via your intuition, also keep describing in your journal any ideal outcomes that you can imagine. Your intentions have equal weight with your intuitions. Your Intuitions Journal can be half reports on actual experience and half your dreams of future fulfillment.

The more attuned you become to the possibility of intuition, the more you will notice it working in your life.

By journaling its presence, you allow intuition to become more evident and influential in your experience.

And that’s when things really start to open up!

If you want to learn how journaling can help you tackle life's challenges and focus on the positives in your life, please download the free eBook, The Journaling Guide to Manage The Stress and Strains of Life 


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