Mari's Life Matters Blog | CreateWriteNow

Health Matters: 100 Health Journal Prompts

Written by Stacy Fisher | Dec 13, 2021 12:30:00 PM

Journaling is a powerful self-care tool, which also makes it a powerful healthcare tool. By examining your thoughts, emotions, and desires within the pages of your journal, you can realign your choices and habits.

To create a healthy lifestyle, all you need is a sense of curiosity and an openness to trying new things. The “how” to get there will reveal itself throughout your journaling journey.

What Are Journal Prompts?

Journal prompts are structured questions or statements that help you focus your journaling efforts. They help you explore areas of your life that you may not have considered before, providing you with new insights and ideas.

When it comes to supporting your health, journaling prompts can help you identify patterns, make connections between your thoughts and behaviors, and help you make lasting lifestyle changes that improve your health.

Journaling prompts can also help you ask and answer the big questions you may have been avoiding or neglecting. When you experience a decline in health, it can be scary. Journaling can help you sort through facts and emotions, helping you make sense of what is really happening.

If you struggle with knowing what to journal about when you stare down at a blank page, prompts may be helpful.

100 Health Journal Prompts

Need some inspiration for your journaling practice? Here are 100 journal prompts to help you improve your health:

1. What one thing would make the biggest difference in my health?

2. For me, self-care is…

3. Before I fall asleep, I usually feel…

4. When I wake up, I usually feel…

5. I feel most supported when…

6. I feel most loved when…

7. What is my body trying to tell me?

8. Three things I can do right now to improve my health are….

9. What I love about moving my body is…

10. My top 3 health goals are…

11. I need to talk to my doctor about…

12. I’ve been putting off…

13. What scares me the most about my health is…

14. When it comes to my health, I’m most grateful for…

15. What I love about my body is…

16. For me, healthy eating is…

17. Habits I’d like to shift are…

18. When I think about my health, the first thing that comes to mind is…

19. I believe my health is…

20. What I can control about my health is…

21. What I need the most right now is…

22. What helps me stay motivated to reach my health goals is…

23. The people who inspire me to improve my health are…

24. If my health was better, I could…

25. When I reach my health goal(s) I will be able to…

26. To reach my health goal(s) I need…

27. If I don’t invest in my health…

28. My life would be better if…

29. My biggest health roadblock is…

30. If I could stop __ , my health would be better.

31. If I could start __ , my health would be better.

32. I add value to the world by…

33. What makes me happy is…

34. What makes me excited is…

35. What concerns me the most about my health is…

36. I’m committed to…

37. I’m confident that I can…

38. What makes me feel powerful is…

39. My sleeping pattern is…

40. What I’m going to do is…

41. My body feels…

42. I wish I could…

43. What I need to focus on is…

44. No matter what, I’m going to…

45. My health allows me to…

46. What I’ve noticed about my body recently is…

47. I’m most curious about…

48. My best traits are…

49. When I feel my best I…

50. I could honor my body by…

51. The foods that make my body feel good are…

52. The foods that make my body feel bad are…

53. How I feel about my body is…

54. I could honor my body by…

55. I enjoy exercise when…

56. In 5 years, I want to…

57. When I need to unwind, I…

58. I worry when…

59. My biggest sources of stress are…

60. If I had a whole day for self-care, I would…

61. Where in my body am I experiencing pain?

62. Where in my body am I experiencing discomfort?

63. I have the most energy when…

64. What I’ve already overcome with my health is…

65. The habits I intend to build are…

66. What has surprised me the most about my health is…

67. What can I let go of to make room for self-care?

68. My body has taught me…

69. The connection between my body and my spirit is…

70. What is going well right now?

71. I’m most proud of myself for…

72. I feel good about myself when…

73. What I’m scared to face is…

74. What makes me feel good is…

75. What makes me feel bad is…

76. What I’ve learned about my body is…

77. What my friends love about me is…

78. My priorities are…

79. The best way for me to reduce stress is…

80. I know I’m headed toward burnout when…

81. What I need to say ‘no’ to is…

82. I know that I need to…

83. When I’m exhausted, I…

84. When I’m well-rested, I…

85. I feel guilty about taking care of myself because…

86. What’s non-negotiable for me is…

87. What I want to learn more about is…

88. What makes me feel alive is…

89. What makes me feel calm is…

90. I know I need to take a break when…

91. What eases my mind is…

92. The beliefs I’m ready to let go of are…

93. I wish I had more time for…

94. Some wildly bold things I want to do are…

95. My ideal healthy morning routine would be…

96. I know that I need help when…

97. The most effective way I can shift my mindset is…

98. My ideal healthy evening routine would be…

99. I’m willing to accept ___ about myself.

100. What patterns or themes about my health have emerged from my journaling practice?

How to Use Journal Prompts

To begin using journal prompts, integrate them into your daily journaling practice. The easiest way to get started is to simply choose a question or statement that you have an emotional connection with. Carve out some time to sit with the prompt and allow your thought to flow through you and into the pages of your journal.

When you feel that your thoughts are complete, sit back and review what you’ve written. Many people are surprised to see what comes out of journaling sessions.

Using journal prompts regularly can help you develop a deeper relationship with your inner world.


Journal prompts can help you uncover vital information about your thoughts, emotions, symptoms, and habits—all of which influence your health. These insights can help you plan and implement practical lifestyle changes that have a positive impact on your health. Prompts can also help you communicate your concerns to your health care team more clearly, which can further improve the quality of your medical care.

If you feel stuck in your journaling practice, or need some inspiration to examine your health on a deeper level, try integrating some journal prompts into your daily practice.

Download the START JOURNALING FOR THE HEALTH OF IT® WRITE NOW! course and begin a health journaling practice today.

Information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be interpreted as providing or replacing medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


Author bio: STACY FISHER, RDN, LD, CDCES is the founder of LivingUpp, a lifestyle design company that teaches women how to use a self-care planning system to create more ease and better health. She is a registered dietitian and lifestyle coach with 20+ years of experience in the healthcare industry, where she’s worked with large companies such as Dell, Boeing, and Nike. Stacy is the author of The Lifestyle Design Planner, a flexible life organizer for high-achievers who value self-care and simplicity.