Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

3 Fresh Foodie Journal Writing Tips

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | May 20, 2013

Summer's here! Well at least it is in Boston where Mother Nature is cozying up with air temps of 80 today! Ahhhh...shorts, bathing suits, flip flops. Time to break out of that winterized couch potato eating habit rut and get headed in the fresh food direction.

Yes, we all have good intentions when it comes to eating more healthily. At the start of a new year, you might vow to cook more or incorporate more fresh vegetables into your diet or stop eating those processed snacks you love but know aren’t nutritious. You try to do the best you can, but no one is perfect, and you may find yourself slipping up and getting in the habit of eating a mid-afternoon snack from the vending machine or eating out more than you cook at home.

Here's some fresh food journal writing prompts to help you slim down and shape up for some Hot Fun in the Summertime.

Start Your Food Journal in 3 Easy Steps

1.    Market Research

Take your personal journal on a field trip to your local farmer’s market or grocery store. Head to the produce section and spend some time browsing the fresh fruits and vegetables. What is in season? What is grown near where you live? What looks most appetizing? Write down notes on color, texture and smell. When you get home later, look through recipes in cookbooks or food blogs to brainstorm new ways to incorporate the foods that caught your attention. Try a new recipe this week and write about the results in your food journal.

2.    Get Outside Inspiration

The easiest way to escape recipe boredom is to ask for input from the foodies in your life. Is your coworker always bringing in healthy, gourmet brown bag lunches? Ask him for his favorite weeknight recipe. Is your sister a genius with the slow cooker? Have her write down her best-kept secrets. Record your notes in your personal journal, and read them when you need motivation. Don’t be afraid to try something new – you may be pleasantly surprised by what you create in the kitchen.

3.    Channel Your Inner Critic

Pretend that you are a food critic for a newspaper or magazine, and write a detailed review of a delicious and healthy meal you’ve had recently. Describe the ingredients, flavors, textures and aromas. What did you like best? What about the meal would you like to recreate in the future?

How are you readying yourself and your health for summertime sun and fun?

Buy Perfect Health! 7 Days of Journaling Heal Your Body Challenge for half-price this month!