Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

You Name It, Your Journal and Brain Will Help

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | March 13, 2012

Guest Blog Post by Yvonne Root

Do you remember the thought and time you spent naming your pets as a child, or even as an adult? You know the drill, someone asks, "What are we going to call her?" And, the game is on! Everyone begins offering contributions for the perfect name for that furry little fun ball or that doe eyed "small horse" better known as a dog.

Eventually a name is chosen, and the new pet is forever named, loved and cherished by that moniker. Recall the various pets you've loved in your life. Think of a pet's name and you will also recall the personality, the antics, and the physical traits of that pet.

Naming is powerful. Not only do you have a way to call your pet, you also have a way to recall him.

You can use that same power when using the tool known as your journal. Using your journal to reach a goal is exciting and at the same time practical.

When you decide to use your journal to reach a particular goal you can use the power of naming to help you get to the goal. Here, let me tell you what I mean. Say your goal is to lose weight. Ugh. That is boring. You and a kazillion other people have a goal of losing weight. You can jump a million light years ahead of the kazillion others by giving your goal a name. A fun name. A memorable name. A "set the record straight" name. A name that allows you to call and recall your goal easily.

So, you open your journal to that blank page and you begin noting different ways you will get to your goal. And your brain says, "Hey, what's up here?" Then you write, "I have a goal to lose weight." Your brain yawns, says, "Oh," then turns over and goes back to sleep.

Take your elbow and nudge your brain awake again by writing, The Weight Escape or Anchors Aweigh, or try Freedom Fight. Perhaps you will write Downsizing or . . . Well, you see what I mean. Your brain says, "What? Where are we going? What are we doing?" Now that you have established a wake up call your brain is more excited about finding ways to help you reach your goal.

Once you've decided on your goal, where you want to be, when you want to be there and how you're going to get there having a name for that goal allows you, your brain and your journal to work together for calling and recalling your goal.

Like I said, You Name It, Your Journal and Brain Will Help.

About the Author

Being one of the cofounders of Journal in a BoxTM is one of the most exciting goals that Yvonne Root has ever been a part of. She is an, instructor,  speaker, writer, Journal Guide, pet lover, wife, mom, grandmother (called Nana) and is delighted to be called by a name one of her students recently coined: a journalizer.

If you want to learn how journaling can help you tackle life's challenges, please download the free eBook, The Journaling Guide to Manage The Stress and Strains of Life