Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

Journaling Ideas to Celebrate Your Accomplishments

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | November 1, 2011

Journaling is a wonderful medium for setting goals and dreaming big for the future, but sometimes we can become too focused on looking ahead and forget to reflect back and celebrate our past victories.

Set aside some time this week to give yourself credit for the progress you have made in past goals, the proud moments you have achieved and the bragging rights you have earned.

4 Journaling Ideas for Self-Esteem

Select a few of these journal prompts to write about during the week when you can use a little pick-me-up.

1. Make a list of your top five accomplishments of all time. Think of this as your personal hall of fame. What triumphs are you most proud of? How do you feel about yourself when you think about them? Strong, competent, creative, generous, hardworking? What do you think these achievements say about you as a person?

2. There are certain victories in life that taste a little sweeter because of how difficult they were to attain. What is the greatest obstacle that you were able to overcome in the past? Why does this particular event stand out for you? Describe the process of evaluating the challenge and creating a plan to resolve it. How have you used that knowledge in other times in your life?

3. Sometimes the greatest accomplishments are not yours but those that you help others achieve. How have you helped someone else work toward an important goal? Were you a mentor to a younger colleague at work, a role model for a child, a cheerleader for a friend in need? Journal about this experience; how was it different from accomplishing your own personal goals?

4. Set a timer for 30 minutes and tackle the difficult task of outlining your personal definition of success. What does it mean for you to be successful as a professional, as a family member, as a friend or as a person in general? How do your values influence how you view your accomplishments? Do you think your definition of success is different from the mainstream point of view? Why or why not?

Which of these journaling ideas did you choose?  Were these exercises easy? hard? Please share your accomplishment reflections and AHAs with us.

What do you think?

I still have a real hard time writing about all my basic good, great and wonderfulness. Am I alone in this? 

Do you feel like you're spinning your wheels when it comes to achieving your goals? Our Set Better Goals in 7 Days self-paced course can help you use the power of journaling to nail down what you want, determine what steps you need to succeed, and get motivated to work on achieving your dreams.