Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

(JTC) Journaling Tips #66 - Finding Forrester

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | November 20, 2010



I'm A Writer? I'm A Writer. I am A Writer! Aren't I ? Good Journal conversation starter: How can you start believing in yourself?
Thanks to Kim at for inspiring this tip.

I name each week’s Journaling Tips after movies related to the subject matter. ‘Finding Forrester’* fits because we’re talking about writing and believing in ourselves. The more I talk with people who’d like to start Journaling for the Health of It ™, I find that it’s not so much the belief that they don’t have enough time to journal but rather their “page fright” is grounded in the belief that “I’m not a Writer, I’m a______ ”  or “I can’t write” or similar protestations. So this week's journaling prompt, “How can you start believing in yourself?” is a compassionately interesting way to find our true believer. 

*When award-winning novelist William Forrester (Sean Connery) realizes a high school basketball star's (Rob Brown) exceptional writing talent, he decides to mentor the youngster, who harbors a passion that's not usually associated with jocks: He's obsessed with words. Over time, the pair find that a common passion can forge an uncommon bond, and, in the process, Forrester becomes less of a recluse.

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