Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

Writer's Block Brings You More Opportunities

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | July 12, 2010

"When you have a disease, don't try to find a cure; find your center, and you'll be healed."

                                                                       Ancient Taoist proverb

Today 3 people, in the early hours of a steamy Saturday morning, called me stricken with Writer’s Block. Since we all are writers, we’re genetically predisposed to that disease but it plays out differently in each writer’s body.  The cause is similar though: we have gotten away from our center, our core and have slipped back into our old ways of living in our heads, stressing and shoulding ourselves incessantly.   

That’s what our Journal is there for—to locate our true self and bring us home.

Some Journaling Home Remedies:

1. Dump on your Journal. Just start writing and writing and writing for as long you feel like it.  You can begin it any place. Whatever feels good to you. Maybe you crave a certain setting. Then go there. Now.

2. Ask Your Journal a question. Use a civil tone. Remember what Mom said”you get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar”. Use “How can I…” “What do I do… or “Where in the world does this come from”….

3. Write a letter or have a conversation with your Muse or your Inner Coach or someone you admire and inspires you. Ask for their guidance. And follow their suggestions.

4. Download a free eBook on “How to Use Your Journal to Cure Writer’s Block Now".

5. Take a look at some Journaling Tips. Maybe something will prompt you to the page.

6.  Read some articles about Writer's Blocks .

And it’s Completely Okay to:

7. Do something. Freak out. Yell, scream, stomp your feet, dance to the music, blare it if you like. Take a walk, go for a run. Take a shower. Soak in the tub.

8. Do nothing. Sit down in a favorite nesting place, come to your senses. Meditate.

How do you cure your Writer’s Block? Please share.