Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

Sneak Peek: Saturday's Journaling Get Real Weight Loss Challenge

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | January 27, 2014

We're already one month into 2014, which may mean that the shine has begun to wear off your New Year’s resolutions, plans, intentions, whatever you call them. Did you commit to keep up a healthier lifestyle and get in shape this year? Did you vow to eat more whole foods and cut back on packaged meals? Did you set your sights on running a 5K in the spring or fitting into an old pair of jeans? Or something even loftier?

If your energy's waned as the month of January has and you find yourself less and less excited about your New Year’s pie-in-the-sky expectations, don’t feel bad or get tempted to give up! We have the remedy for you: A February Journaling Challenge that will get you (back) on track.

This Saturday February 1, we're kicking off the 28 Days Weight Control Journaling Challenge
and you're invited to join us! Sharpen your pencil, dust off your walking shoes and get ready to journal your way to your ideal body weight. During the challenge, you will receive a daily health journal writing exercise that helps you create a strategy to build new and healthy habits and conquer the mental, physical and emotional roadblocks. Plus, you’ll be supported by fellow journalers who will cheer you on every step of the way!

Not sure if you’re ready to do the journaling challenge? Here’s a sample journal writing exercise to get you stretched out and ready to write. Give yourselfat least 10-20 minutes to answer these questions in your personal journal.

1. Take a deep breath and be present in your body. Wiggle your toes (and your ears if you can), relax your shoulders, stretch your back. How do you feel about your body right now? What feels strong? What doesn’t? Do you feel more positive or negative toward your body? Why?

2. Consider the reasons you have for wanting to lose weight. Try to go beyond the surface reasons and get to the heart of the matter. Why? What do you want to do that you can’t now? What do you hope for in the future?

3. Imagine yourself as healthy, happy and free of any weight issues that have bothered you in the past. What do you see yourself doing? Be specific. Draw and doodle if you feel like it.

Ready for the challenge now? You can buy the Weight Control Journaling Challenge workbook here (and get a 20% discount). Then come introduce yourself in our 28 Days Weight Control Challenge Facebook Group. Full disclosure: I've already started my Food Journal and am I learning a lot about how unconscious my eating habits have been. WriteON!