Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

5 Journal Prompts to Get Past Common Writing Roadblocks

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | June 22, 2016

A personal transformation journal is a writer’s best friend. It provides an open space for you to clear out mental clutter, play around with new ideas, and express feelings you wouldn’t share with anyone else. There are times when you feel blocked or lost on a writing project – and journal writing is the fix you need to get back on track.


Has this ever happened to you? You’re working on a chapter, an article, a poem… and then you feel like you’ve hit a wall. Something is standing in your way, and you need to find a way past it to make progress on your writing.


Next time this happens, try one of these journal prompts to overcome common writing roadblocks.



I don’t know what I’m doing or what I’m talking about.



Start with what you do know. Why did you start writing about this topic? What about it sparked your interest or passion? What research have you done? How is your experience or point of view different than anyone else’s? Tell that story.



Everything I’m writing is awful.



Remember that no one has to read this (unless you want to share it). Get all that awfulness out of your system by writing an over-the-top terrible story. Exaggerate the plot, invent ridiculous characters, forget all about grammar and style. Have fun with it in your journal writing, then get back to what you were doing before.



I’m scared of exposing too much of myself in my writing.



Realize that some of the best writing you do will leave you feeling this way. Discomfort, fear, nervousness… these are all signs that you’re writing with courage, vulnerability or passion. Ask yourself why you’re scared. Are you worried about how people will react to what you’ve written? What’s the worst you think will happen?



I have nothing original to say.



Shake off the nagging thoughts that everything worthwhile has already been said by other writers. Look for ideas in your own life and current events, even if they seem trite or cliché at first. What’s going on in politics that feels stranger than fiction? What conversations have you had recently that kept your thoughts churning? Pick a few seeds of ideas, and try to combine them into something new.



I have no time to write.



Set a timer for a short period – one to five minutes. Start writing, and vow not to stop until the timer goes off. Jot down any random or silly thought that pops into your head. Write about how you have no time to write – and see that you do after all!


Get more (like almost 400!) journal prompts to overcome writing roadblocks in your personal transformation journaling practice.  #WriteON!