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How To Get the Most Out of Travel Journaling

Written by Miles Oliver | May 22, 2023

Every journey you embark on holds within it a multitude of stories, emotions, and discoveries. Each destination offers a unique blend of sights, sounds, and experiences that have the potential to leave an indelible mark on your life. While memories may fade over time, travel journaling has long been recognized as a great way to capture and preserve those moments of exploration. 

Travel journaling is more than just a record of places visited, though. When you approach your practice mindfully, you can establish your journal as a treasure trove of personal reflections, cultural insights, and transformative experiences. It is a companion on the road and a gateway to more meaningful journeys, whether these are to the nearest city or far-flung countries. 

Let’s look closer at how you can get the most out of travel journaling.


Identify Inspiring Destinations

Choosing the right destinations for travel journaling is a vital aspect of maximizing the overall experience. Each location has its own unique charm, history, and cultural significance, which can greatly impact the depth and richness of your journal entries. It’s worth taking the time to seriously consider your priorities for your target destination. 

You may want to find spaces with inherent beauty, cultural vibrancy, or historical significance. After all, these locations can evoke powerful emotions and spark inspiration. You might consider visiting literary landmarks — such as the Edgar Allan Poe National Historical Site in Philadelphia, PA, or the Emily Dickinson Museum in Amherst, MA — to gain some particularly relevant experiences. 

Another priority for your destination can be gaining diverse experiences and perspectives. Going outside of your comfort zone — geographically or culturally — allows you to broaden your perspective and enrich your journal writing. Each place has its own stories to tell, local traditions to explore, and people to interact with. By selecting diverse destinations, you can immerse yourself in various landscapes and communities, giving you fresh sources of inspiration to draw from for your travel journal entries. 

It’s also important to consider how your choice of destination can serve practical priorities. You may need to select locations that offer resources to support your remote work, online business, or blog writing career as well as your travel journaling. For instance, Austin, TX has a large range of professional coworking spaces while also offering a thriving creative scene. Boulder, CO, on the other hand, can be a supportive location for remote workers in tech fields while also providing majestic natural landscapes to inspire your travel writing.


Connect With Nature

Immersing yourself in nature while journaling can be a transformative experience. As a writer, the natural world enables you to connect deeply with your surroundings and tap into your inner creativity. Engaging in outdoor activities that pair well with journaling not only enhances the overall experience but also provides an opportunity to observe and appreciate the beauty of the natural world. Some of these can be more sedate, like picnics in the park, or more active kayaking and canoeing trips. 

Hiking, in particular, is a great outdoor tool for travel journaling. Whether it's a serene forest trail or a challenging mountain ascent, you get the privilege of witnessing nature's wonders and ample time for introspection and writing. Take breaks along the trail to sit quietly, observe the flora and fauna, and write down your thoughts and impressions. 

If walking doesn’t take you far enough on your adventures, you could also hop on a bicycle and explore the countryside or coastal roads. This is a gentle form of exploration that also creates the perfect ambiance for the reflective benefits of journaling. As you pedal through rolling hills or alongside inspiring coastlines, take the time to pause at scenic viewpoints or hidden spots. These moments enable you to drink in the beauty of your surroundings and enrich your journal entries.


Use a Range of Techniques

It’s important to remember travel journaling is not just about capturing the facts of your journeys but also about expressing your emotions, observations, and reflections. Everybody takes their own approach to the process, as this ensures you get the most out of your writing. Nevertheless, it’s worth trying out some fresh creative techniques that can boost your enjoyment and journaling skills. 

This could include experimenting with different styles and formats. Alongside journalistic entries, perhaps express your feelings or describe a scene in poetic verse. If you’ve had interesting conversations with new people, you describe the dialogue and actions in script form or as prose. Even a page of stream-of-consciousness writing is a solid creative exercise to explore unfiltered feelings about your travels. 

You might also consider adding visual components to your writing. Incorporate sketches, doodles, or photographs. Create a collage of mementos like ticket stubs or pressed local flowers. It could even be interesting to see whether you can journal for a while in a comic book format. These visuals break up a sea of text, giving you the opportunity to express your ideas in more diverse ways.


Maintain Consistency

One of the most difficult components of travel journaling isn’t necessarily about finding inspiration or boosting your creativity. Rather, simply taking the time to sit down each day and write can be challenging. This is particularly relevant on vacation when you’re spending time on the road, visiting new places, and meeting people. Yet, consistency is key if you want your journaling to have the most impact. 

The good news is that implementing a few key practices will help you to keep a writing routine while you travel. This starts with simply scheduling periods in your day dedicated solely to journaling. Just as you might create an itinerary for your trips, outline specifically when and where you intend to write. It doesn’t have to be long and it can follow breakfast, lunch breaks, or before you go to bed. The important thing is to designate this time and commit to it. 

Another solid practice is to utilize travel downtime. Take advantage of long flights, train rides, or waiting at airports. There’s usually very little else you can do at these times other than watch movies or read books. Even if this represents just a few moments, use downtime to reflect on your experiences or expand on previous entries.



Travel journaling offers a powerful tool for capturing and preserving the essence of your journeys. When selecting destinations for your journaling adventures, consider places that inspire you and offer diverse perspectives. Find opportunities to connect with nature while journaling to deepen your experience. Don’t forget to implement both new creative approaches and practical actions to enhance the impact of your travel writing. 

In addition, it might also be wise to consider the digital aspect of travel journaling if pen-and-paper doesn’t suit your needs. Look into the possibilities offered by travel journaling apps or digital blogging platforms. However, it's essential to strike a balance between digital and offline experiences, ensuring that you still take the time to immerse yourself fully in the present moment without being overly consumed by technology.



Author bio:  Miles Oliver is an independent writer with a background in business and passion for psychology, news, and simply helping people live happy and fulfilled lives. He has lived and traveled all over the United States and continues to expand his awareness and experiences. When he is not writing, he is most likely mountain biking or kicking back with a cup of tea.







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