Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

How Journaling Helps You Create A Life of Your Dreams

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | February 16, 2017

By Kimberley Martinez

One of the most popular classroom activity at school is the sharing of a student’s response to what career they’d like to pursue when they grow up.  This activity is repeated with a variation of format across levels.  Some of which include a show and tell, a research paper, a speech and sometimes, a biography or memoir.  

I’m sure that we may no longer remember nor did we pay close attention to the details that we were saying while answering this question but in many ways, the said activity shape our perception of success and the way we visualize our future selves.  As a result – this is the beginning of us, dreaming.

What is a Journal?

A journal is a collection of personal experiences expressed through an art form.    

The common misconception of people about a journal is that it is only for writers.  Journals do not necessarily have to be prose.  Journals may come in various formats such as:

  • Quotes
  • Images or artwork
  • Pictures
  • Dreams

In the internet world, you can even refer to that as Facebook status, Instagram post, snaps, tweets or pins.  These are all samples of entries you can find in a journal.

Benefits of Journaling

There are many benefits of journaling. Here are what I have found:


  • Filter system

Knowing that we are busy and we have a lot of ideas, a journal can help us remember, list and eventually filter and acknowledge which are most important. 

  • Practice Creativity

A journal is a piece of art on its own, be that you’re documenting a real even or you’re exploring a goal that you’d like to achieve, it allows you to practice your creativity.

  • Recall and Focus

While we say that we are a multi-tasking generation, our conscious mind can only allow us to focus on one task and effectively do it.  It’s similar to how our eyes function, we can see a picture but it actually just focuses on one aspect of a picture.  A journal will help a person remember and focus.   

  • Repeat

Having the avenue to review, we would also have the opportunity to repeat or update what we have originally recorded.  If one has written about his goals in life or who he’d like to be when he grows up and repeats that process, explores it as he grows older or just write what has happened in relation to that topic in his or her journal, the likelihood that it’s going to be achieved is high.  We attract what we want to happen in our lives and journaling helps in channeling our conscious efforts to our unconscious so that even when we seem to be off-track, our nightly dreams will serve as guide of what we’d like to achieve in life.   

  • Ongoing plan of action

When you have a vision or a goal and you’re committed on that – revisiting and thinking of your plan of action help reinforce and seal the idea in your brain.  When you put that on a different format – journaling, your brain processes the information and guides you into taking the steps to make them real.  As they said, “when you put your mind into it, you can make it happen.” Journaling keeps you motivated to achieve your goals.


Tips on Maintaining a Good Journal

#1. Stay focused

You’re maintaining a journal because of its content, where and how you write it is inconsequential.  Some people prefer to use an expensive notebook.  Some use scratch papers to remain practical and handy.  Some would like to bring it online and blog.  Some would like to record it using their phone.  Whatever style and format you consider, stay focused on your life goals and journaling. 

#2. Freefall

Freefalling is when you “let gravity takes its course.”  Express yourself without limits.  Do not let grammar hinder you from detailing images or events. 

#3. Storage

The journal must be kept for future review.  Remember that your entries may hold patterns and explanations of what is happening at a certain period of your life.  It may help you understand why you’re not living the life you want or where you are at in terms of living the life of your dreams. 

#4. Revisit and Revise

Your journal entries must include what you’d like to achieve.  It will eventually form your bucket list as you grow older.  Do not be afraid to review them and update as you see fit.  Right or wrong does not exist in your journal.  There is only dreaming.

#5. Take action

The most critical element in journaling is making it real.  Your journal is your guide to what you want to do.  It is a historical trend of what you’d like to accomplish.  It is about you.  Your choice of inaction will also be reflected there.  As Walt Disney said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.”  


Kimberley Martinez is a blogger, traveler and personal development student.  She loves writing, traveling and networking with like-minded positive individuals. For more of her latest work, visit today.