Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

Fewer Meds? Yes Please! - A Review by Nita Sweeney

Written by Nita Sweeney | April 9, 2021

Today we have another review of Journaling Power by Nita Sweeney on her website In her review, Nita brings us into her own struggles and how Journaling Power resonated with her life story.

Here is an excerpt from her review:

Mari had me on page 2:

After a year or two of regular writing therapy, I found I didn’t need the masses of prescription drugs I’d been taking.—Mari L. McCarthy

As someone once on six different medications, Mari’s pronouncement that she too found a way to reduce (or eliminate) her dependence on pharmaceuticals sparked my interest in reading more of Journaling Power: How to Create the Happy, Healthy Life You Want to Live. In this part memoir, part how-to book, Mari L. McCarthy shares how her worsening symptoms led her on a search for health, and shares what she discovered so we can all benefit.

I identified with her hitting a point of desperation and discovering a solution. My memoir, Depression Hates a Moving Target: How Running with My Dog Brought Me Back from the Brink, explains how running put the missing piece in place for me and pulled my health into balance. Like Mari, I was “in a desperate bid to recover my health.”


Physical health is so completely intertwined with emotional health that it’s a wonder that so many of us deny the link.—Mari L. McCarthy

Mari suffers from MS and the onset of more extreme MS symptoms took away her option for the exercise she previously enjoyed. When she discovered Julia Cameron’s “Morning Pages” (three handwritten pages first thing each day) Mari soon experienced the kind of profound shift that I found in running.

Catch the rest of Anne's review over on



Author bio: Nita Sweeney is an Award-Winning Author, Meditator, Marathoner,
and Dog-Mom in Columbus, Ohio. Nita's memoir, Depression Hates A Moving Target is an Amazon #1 seller.

Nita can be found at