Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

Embrace the Joy of Text and Harness the Power of Journaling

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | June 27, 2022

You may have noticed that at CreateWriteNow, journaling is a big deal here, it's what we live and breathe. Occasionally we come across other resources we fell may be of benefit to our readers, todays article is focused on one of those resources. We firmly believe in the power of journaling, its health benefits, and joy it can bring, so when we find someone else professing the power of journaling we just have to share it with you.

There was an article written on the Happiful website on June 19, 2022 titled Journaling: Learn how to embrace the joy of text and harness its powerful benefits in this article the writer explores journaling, its power, and how it can benefit you.

Here is a short excerpt from that article:

They say the pen is mightier than the sword, and for good reason. Seeing our innermost thoughts and feelings on the page can be a hugely beneficial thing, allowing us to express ourselves in a safe space, and process our experiences. Here, psychotherapist Bhavna explores the powerful practice of journaling, and how you can harness it, too

While it’s not a recent phenomenon, journaling has become a fast-growing staple of those curious to explore their inner lives. As a psychotherapist, one of the most powerful techniques I offer clients is an invitation to journal. Many people can be apprehensive of writing at first – some may have had traumatic experiences connected with writing, for example people with dyslexia, or those from an older generation who were severely punished for being left-handed.

Apprehension is absolutely understandable, however, the incredible power of using the written word to travel into the inner sanctum of your being is worth it. And, if it doesn’t work for you, you have lost nothing. But, if it does work, you have access to one of the most powerful self-help techniques created, for free! Writing as a form of therapy has transformed the lives of many hundreds of my clients, and myself.

You can continue to read the full article HERE