Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

CreateWriteNow Unveils ‘Build a Lasting Journaling Practice in 14 Days’ Journaling Challenge

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | September 16, 2015
New Program Guides Beginners on How to Start a Daily Journaling Practice

Boston, MA – CreateWriteNow has just announced its Build a Lasting Journaling Practice in 14 Days Journaling Challenge.   The latest in a series of Journaling Challenges that promote the power of journaling for personal transformation, health and healing, the 14 Days Journaling Challenge is scheduled to begin October 1st, 2015. 

Aimed at helping participants start—and maintain—a lifelong, daily journaling practice, the program provides tips and techniques to help journalers find their own personal journaling style, create writing habits they’ll enjoy and want to maintain, and overcome the common challenges of maintaining a daily commitment to journaling. 

Through a series of daily journaling exercises the course eBook teaches participants to use the process of journaling to get to know themselves better; nurture their own physical, mental and spiritual health; set and achieve personal goals; relieve stress—and have more fun! 

Developed by Mari L. McCarthy, journaling therapy specialist and founder of CreateWriteNow, the Build a Lasting Journaling Practice in 14 Days Journaling Challenge is modeled after Peace of Mind & Body - 27 Days of Journaling to Health & Happiness, the company’s flagship program, now in its seventh year.

For those wishing to begin a daily journaling practice, the 14 Days Journaling Challenge is an ideal ‘first step’.  And for more experienced journalers who wish to hone their journaling skills—or those simply seeking to get their journaling ‘back on track’—the program offers fresh inspiration and guidance.

Said McCarthy, “This Challenge will introduce participants to the many powerful rewards journaling can bring: reduced stress, better relationships, increased clarity and creativity.” 

She added, “The Challenge will show participants how to use journaling as a tool to overcome the obstacles that stand between them and what it is they want.  And it provides a methodology for getting the most out of the time spent journaling. By taking this first step on their journaling journey, participants will gain the skills and motivation they need to maintain a journaling practice on their own.”

All that is needed to participate in the upcoming Challenge is the related eWorkbook, Build a Lasting Journaling Practice in 14 Days Journaling Challenge—and a pen!  The eWorkbook can be purchased in the CreateWriteNow store and is also available in other formats including iPad, Kindle, and NOOK versions.