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Journal to Increase Productivity

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | July 12, 2013

Here's a remarkable thing: when we focus the mind and heart, anything is possible. Have you noticed that? On the other hand, when we don't focus on something constructive, everything shrinks. 

Sometimes I’m worried by what seems an increasing negative attitude towards just about everything – government, infrastructure, strangers, work, and self image, for starters. 

I am, admittedly, an aging hippie; I know what revolution is. There is definitely a time in life when we feel like smashing things: when we're young, inexperienced, indignant. And then there is a time when age, experience, and wisdom take over and you begin to care exclusively about building things, as opposed to breaking them down.

I'm going to work over this a little bit, because I want to convince you to seek constructive solutions instead of accepting this negativity.

Not that I am capable of convincing you of anything. But it's worth making the effort to say, Let's stop being destructive! Blaming anyone else for your troubles is avoidance, pure and simple. Sooner or later you'll have to own up to the fact that You are the one who fails to build a life, always finding a reason why not to follow your dreams.

What a waste it is when people adopt hopelessness, especially in the US. If politics is the problem, we can vote. If policies are the problem, we reform. If it's education or infrastructure or corruption or poverty, we have power and can build solutions. And certainly, as individuals, we have enormous freedom to make different choices for our personal lives. To whine on the sidelines of an issue is to waste your breath and irritate everyone within earshot. 

If you focus attention fiercely on positive growth, you can't help but achieve the goal that's in your mind's eye. On the other side,  whatever time you spend with negative influences is time not spent moving towards toward where you want to be. 

A friend described it this way: consider the people you know. Which are the ones who bring good energy to your exchanges and encounters? Which are the people who sap your energy, leaving you feeling drained? Which of these types of people do you think you should emulate? 

I'm no feel-good airhead, but I know the value of positive energy. If you're feeling burdened, stressed, depressed or pissed, is it because you're hanging out with whiners who have no constructive ideas? Is it time to seek out new company? 

If positive-minded people are not immediately available to you, you can always journal. Your Inner Coach is all about positivity. Spending time with her is a rich investment in your happy future. My book, Who Are You? provides some gentle structure with ideas and exercises for using your journal as a positive self-discovery tool. 

How have you used your journal to turn away from negativity? Share in the comments, or on our Facebook page!