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A Journal Prompt A Day Keeps the Stresses Away

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | May 28, 2013

Work, work, work. You spend a large chunk of your time every day at your job, and it often consumes your thoughts even when you come home for the night. Some days, you may love what you do and feel energized by a new project or an exciting possibility. Other days, you may feel bored or drained by the work or irritated by interactions with co-workers or clients.

Your job consumes a lot of your time and energy, and it can be difficult to unwind after a day at the office. For the next few days, try spending just five minutes journaling when you get home. You will give yourself space to process the events of the workday, let go of frustrations, celebrate victories and ease into your leisure time. Select a journal prompt from the list below, or simply free-write for a page or two. Then close your journal and enjoy your evening!   

A Work Week of Journaling Ideas

Day 1

Write about the least pleasant moment of your day. What happened? How did it affect your mood or productivity? Now write about the most enjoyable moment of your workday. What happened, and why was it memorable? How did it affect you differently than the other moment you described?

Day 2

Describe the people you work with as if you are analyzing a cast of characters in a movie, book or play. What are their personality quirks? What are the alliances and conflicts? Who do you most like collaborating with? Who would you consider a friend outside of work?  

Day 3

Imagine you can fast-forward to your workday a year from now. What would you like to change? What would you like to stay the same? How do you hope to grow professionally? Describe the highlights of your ideal day in the future.

Day 4

Write about a proud moment from the day. Did you know the answer to a tough question that helped solve a problem? Did you test out a new skill and do well? Brag a little (or a lot!) for this journal prompt.

Day 5

Describe something you learned today. This can be anything, from picking up a computer shortcut to researching a new client. Share your new knowledge with your journal.

Do you ever use journaling to unwind after work? Share your tips!

Are you ready to discover and pursue your passion? Check out our Do What You Love! 7 Days Career Journaling Workbook Course.