Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

5 Fast and Furious Fixes for Writer’s Block

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | May 4, 2013

Writer’s block is always an unwelcome guest who drops in on you exactly when you don’t need it the most.  Don’t worry – there’s no need to make a big fuss or waste precious energy; here are a few quick and easy journaling tips you can use to ask writer’s block politely and firmly to go out and play in traffic!

Journaling Tips to Beat Writer’s Block

1.    Tell a story.

If you can’t seem to find anything to write about, tell your journal a familiar story with a fresh spin. Recount a classic family tale that has been passed on for years. Retell a famous story from a different perspective or in a new era or setting.

2.    Get into the groove.

Get in the practice of writing at the same time every day. Write your Morning Pages every day when you wake up at 6:30 or your Night Notes at 10 p.m. after you brush your teeth. As you establish this habit, writer’s block will learn to take a hike when you sit down with your journal.

3.    Keep a list.

Stay alert to good journaling tips and ideas as you go through your day. Pay attention when your friend mentions a trip she’s planning to Scotland with her sisters, and jot down “future travel ideas” in a notebook or on your phone. Listen to conversations when you’re waiting in line at the grocery store, and write down bits of dialogue that would be interesting in a short story or poem. Take out this list when you’re struggling with what to journal about later.  

4.    Ask for a second opinion.

Gather journaling ideas from friends and family. Ask, “What’s on your mind right now?” or “What should I write about today?” and see what they say. You’d be amazed what an outside perspective can do for your creativity!

5.    Wake up.

Give your mind and body an energy boost by exercising for 15 to 30 minutes. Dance to your favorite song, walk around the block or do yoga poses to stretch out tired muscles. Come back to your journal with renewed focus.

6.    Take the day off.

Take your self and your muse on a Julia Cameron-sanctioned Artist Date. Stay in your pajamas all day. Do those household projects, you've been meaning to get to, meaning to get to....

What are your personal journaling tips for writer's block? Please share...we could get by with a lot of help from our friends!

And download our best-selling Writer's Block Journal Tips Cure workbook write away: