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Journal Writing to Rekindle Or Discover Love in All the Right Places

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | February 5, 2013

It’s the time of year where love is all around. In preparation for Valentine’s Day this month, make some time for journal writing about the current state of your romantic life, whether you are single or in a relationship, and the positive role love plays in your life.

Valentine’s Day Journaling Prompts

If You’re In a Relationship

1.    If you are in a relationship, write about the first time you met your partner. Did he literally run into you in the hallway as he was rushing to a meeting in the same office building? Did she steal your heart as the lead in a college production of “Romeo and Juliet”? Do you remember the first thing he ever said to you? Do you remember what you thought about her on your first date? What did you tell your friends about him when you were just getting to know each other? Write about how your relationship began in as much detail as you can remember.

Recall your happiest early memories together. How did it feel as you were falling in love? What did you like doing as a couple? What qualities were you most attracted to in the other person? What did you appreciate most?

2.    Think about how it makes you feel to remember the start of your relationship through journal writing. Did the exercise bring positive feelings of love and affection to the surface? How has your relationship matured or evolved since you first met? What are the things you love and appreciate most about your partner now? How has your relationship changed your life for the better?

If You’re Single

1.    Reflect on all of the ways you love and are loved in your life. Who are the people you depend on to make you laugh, listen to you when you’re upset and appreciate you for who you are? Tell your journal about your inner circle of friends and family and what is special about each of them. What are their quirks, habits and gifts? How do you support and understand each other?

2.    Describe your ideal romantic partner in your journal. What qualities, interests and values are most important to you? What have you learned from past relationships that has helped you determine what you want and what you don’t want from a partner? Imagine you are going on a perfect date with this person. Where would you go? What would you do? What would you talk about?

What did you write about? Share an observation from one of these journaling prompts in the comments!

Taste the Love from your fellow journalers! Download your free copy of Dark Chocolate for the Journaler’s Soul

Happy Valentine's Day!