Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

How to Get Your Morning Pages Groove Back Write Now

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | December 3, 2012

The first hour you are awake in the morning can often make or break the rest of your day. If you feel cranky, rushed and stressed out as you are running out the door on your way to work, you will probably carry that mood with you all day. But if you feel calm, focused and motivated before you even reach your office, you are far more likely to infuse your day and the people around you with this positive energy.

Writing Morning Pages – three pages of longhand, stream-of-consciousness journaling as soon as you wake up – allows you to shed worries, fears, annoyances and stresses on the page to focus more fully on what you want to be doing. In the wise words of Julia Cameron from her book The Artist’s Way:

Worrying about your job, the laundry, the weird look your friend gave you— all that stuff distracts you from your creativity. It eddies through your subconsciousness and muddies your day. Get it on the page first thing in the morning and move on with your day with a freer spirit.

Practice these simple tips to get in the habit of writing each morning and making your pages an essential part of your routine!

Tips for Journaling Your Morning Pages

1. Find the right format.

Play around with different ways to journal each morning and see what you find most relaxing or inspiring. Try Stephen’s action card system or Noelle’s keep-going strategies. Write them on sketch pads or your daily planner or.... Find what works best for you.

2. Get back on track.

Even the most dedicated journalers will have days or even weeks when they don’t keep up their normal writing routine. If you find yourself in this situation, don’t beat yourself up about it (feeling overly guilty might make you abandon your Morning Pages altogether). Commit to starting fresh immediately, no matter how long it’s been since you last wrote. Haven't been able to make Morning Pages work fore you? Read this Morning Pages for Not Morning People article for some ideas.

3. Just Let It Go.

These pages are open for whatever you feel like writing each day. No thinking needed or even allowed :) Open up your being every morning, journal freely and see what comes out on the page like verrrry interesting messages from the universe. This morning, I got the message, “your premise is right.”

Attention Morning Page Writers: We Need You Now!

We’re looking for an experienced Morning Pages writer who wants to do a Skype video interview with us for our Journaling Expo we’re holding January 13. Please Contact Us asap! Thanks!

Join the Morning Pages/Free T-shirt Forum!

We have an ongoing Morning Pages Forum that will help you get started and/or keep you going on your daily, pen to page only MP practice. Do come visit and share your questions, comments and concerns. And get support and encouragement from fellow journalers. Complete the MPs 30 Days Challenge and get a Free T Shirt!