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How to Learn About Your Most Authentic Goals through Journaling

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | November 13, 2012

Figuring out what you want to do with your life is daunting. Whether you're 21 or 52, a true path can sometimes be very elusive, especially considering the heavy demands of day-to-day life. But, one great way to discover your most authentic goals is to journal about it. Here are a few effective steps toward discovering deeper parts of your true path:

Discover what's upsetting you.

The best thing about journaling is that it's private. You have the chance to write about anything you feel. Once you sit down to journal, you will automatically start to think about the things that are bothering you. Anything you're stressed about, that makes you angry, that worries you will come to the surface, and you have the opportunity to get those things out in the open. This is one of the most effective ways to take a real look at what's not working for you currently in your life.

Ask yourself some important questions.

Once you've gotten those feelings out, a great next step in journaling is to ask yourself some important questions. If you feel lost or without direction, then come up with questions on the spot that will help you understand more about what you want. Some good questions are "Are you happy with what you do now?" "If not, why?" "What would you rather be doing?" "If money was not a factor at all in your life, how would you spend your days?" "What did you always want to be as a kid?" "What dream is in the back of your mind that you're discounting?"

Give honest answers.

When you ask yourself these questions, don't filter. We all have a sense inside of us that can tell when we are being truly honest. An honest answer to any of these questions will bring relief and joy. A closed-off answer will bring worry, confusion or apathy.


Free-writing is helpful anytime, but it is also a great way to unlock hidden desires and thought patterns. Once you have asked yourself some questions, take some time to start writing whatever comes to mind. Do not censor yourself, and do not stop. Even if you are thinking about the fact that this is stupid or that you don't know what to write; don't stop, write it down! When you're finished you might be surprised to see some of the undercurrents of your thought processes. You may see an inkling of the types of thoughts that are true and helpful and the types of thoughts that are hurtful and hold you back.

Make a private dream board.

If you've never made a dream board for yourself, this is the time. A dream board is a visual representation of your dreams. Clip out pictures, write down statements, write yourself a million dollar check and post it on the board to cash one day. Whatever it is that you dream about coming into your reality, a dream board can help you visualize it every day. The only problem with a dream board is that it's very public. If you would prefer to keep your dreams to yourself, a great space to make a dream board is in your journal.

Using some of these methods to help define your innermost goals, possibly dreams that you have not yet been able to admit to yourself, is one of the first steps toward finding a career or life path that represents the most authentic you.


Patricia Garza contributes regularly to and writes as a freelancer in many other areas, from education to lifestyle. She welcomes comments below!

Learn how to set and get all your Goals with ths Journaling ebook.