Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

Journaling Your Seasonal Rituals

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | September 24, 2012

The autumnal equinox just passed this weekend, so fall has officially arrived! Moving from one season to another is invigorating; it’s as if your senses perk up and pay attention as you witness changes in the natural world and experience your own personal rituals.

How do you feel at the end of summer and the beginning of fall? How do you recognize or celebrate the changing of the season? What are your individual traditions, habits or quirks? Explore your thoughts by writing two letters in your personal journal: a “see you soon” note to summer and a “welcome back” message to fall.

Two Letters for Two Seasons

1. Start by personifying summer and autumn in your mind. Imagine that they are two dear friends and one is departing on a trip as the other is arriving for a visit. (This may feel silly to you at first, but it’s OK to get a little creative in your journaling!) What makes you sad about this change? What are you looking forward to?

2. Set a timer for 10 minutes and free-write a farewell letter to summer in your personal journal. Be affectionate, honest, teasing – let your writing represent whatever relationship you and summer have. For example:

Dear Summer,

I’m always sad to see you go (though I will admit I won’t miss your extreme heat and humidity). We had so much fun this year, especially chasing waves at the beach, drinking iced tea on the porch and watching blockbusters in the air-conditioned movie theater. Maybe next year we can take that Caribbean vacation we keep talking about?

3. Now repeat the process, this time welcoming autumn back home after a long journey. Reflect on past memories and future hopes.

Dear Fall,

It’s so good to have you back! I am ready to spend a lot of quality time together. Let’s have chili cookouts for football games, carve pumpkins at Halloween and crunch around in all the falling leaves. I would love it if you didn’t get too cold or rainy this year…

What is your favorite part of the transition from summer into fall? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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