Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

5 Ways to Get Your Kids to Journal

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | July 4, 2012


Just as a journal works for adults, journaling for children is a great for them to express themselves when they don’t know how to. Start them young when they are capable of writing and they are sure to keep journaling a habit through their adulthood.

Fun journal: You have probably told you kids to never judge a book by its cover many times. But this time, judging a book by its cover is exactly what you want to do. The more fun and colorful the journal you provide your kids, the more likely they will want to journal. Head to your local store and let them pick out a journal that they love!

Additions: Providing stickers, glitter, magazines and other small items for your kids to add to their journal can make it more fun for them. Encourage them to add photos and drawings to their journals as they journal. Not only do they write what they want but they can get crafty and creative on the side.

Writing tools: There are all sorts of fun markers, giant pens and silly pencils that can fun for your child to use while they write. The more fun you make it, the more they will want to journal. If you provide them with the tools they need and they will write.

Make the time: Create a time each day for them to have a ‘quiet time’; it doesn’t need to be for too long or enforced. If you are strict it will become a chore for your kids. The best time might be in the evenings when they are getting ready for bed.

Lead by example: Your kids pay attention to what you do and if they see your journaling they will likely follow suit. So lead by example and make sure your kids are aware that you are journaling!

The key throughout the journaling process is to make it a fun and daily routine that they love. They will thank you when they are older when they are able to look back and see their work. So keep it exciting and happy journaling!


About the Author:


This guest post is contributed by Debra Johnson, blogger and editor of live in nanny.

She welcomes your comments at her email Id: - jdebra84 @