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Fatherly Reflections: 4 Journal Prompts for Father’s Day

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | June 16, 2012

This Sunday is Father’s Day, an occasion to honor your dad and the other important men in your life. Celebrate your own father, whether he is still with you or not, by journaling about the lasting influence he has had on you.

Father’s Day Journal Prompts

1. Think about the relationship you had with your father growing up. Were you close, distant or somewhere in between? What kind of qualities did he have as a parent when you were younger? Was he a fun-loving goofball always up for a game? Was he a patient teacher who would spend hours helping you with your reading or science experiments? How did your relationship change as you grew older? Have you made any discoveries about your dad since you became an adult? Share your reflections with your personal journal.

2. Take 20 minutes and make a list of the best memories you have of your father, whether they are from last week or 30 years ago. Reread your list and ask yourself the following questions in your journal: How do these stories capture the essence of your dad’s personality and character? Why do these particular memories stand out for you above all others? What makes them so special to you? What values or lessons do you take away from these stories?

3. Parents give their children many lectures and lessons over the years (many of which go in one ear and out the other!). What is the most valuable piece of advice your father ever gave you? How old were you? Why did he give you this advice? Why has it stuck with you since? How have you used it in your everyday life? If you are now a parent yourself, have you passed this wisdom onto your own children?

4. Father figures can take many shapes and forms. Who were the other important men in your life, besides your father, when you were growing up? Did your grandpa attend every one of your soccer games when you were in high school? Did your piano teacher encourage you to go after that music scholarship you wanted? Write in your personal journal about the male role models you had during your formative years and how they made an impression on you. What did you learn from them? How do you try to emulate them as an adult?

Happy Father’s Day to all the great dads out there!


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