Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

4 Journaling Prompts for a Super Summertime

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | June 4, 2012


Summer is full of writing inspiration everywhere you look. Celebrate the beginning of June by opening your journal and writing about your favorite aspects of the season.

Summertime Journaling Prompts

1. Imagine that you woke up this morning with an empty schedule and a full wallet and you were free to do whatever you chose. How would you spend your ideal summer day? Would you stay close to home or hit the road? Would you bring others with you or fly solo? Describe where you would go and what you would do. Close your eyes and pretend that you are experiencing the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of your fantasy day.

2. Set a timer for 10 minutes and make a list of everything you love about summer in your personal journal. Include whatever comes to mind, no matter how small – whether it’s the fireflies and school-less days of your childhood or the long evening walks and cold beers on the porch of your adulthood. Look over your list and choose your absolute favorite aspect of summer. Expand on this topic in your journal. What about it makes you happy? What other emotions does it evoke? Does it remind you of people, places or periods in your life?

3. Think back on all of your past summers. Which one was the most memorable? Why? Write a detailed entry about it in your personal journal, focusing on what made it stand out among all the other years. Was it unforgettable because it was exceptionally blissful, painful or pivotal? How did this summer change you in the short term and the long term?

4. Certain songs often carry a strong association with summertime. If you were to make a personalized summer soundtrack, what songs would be on it? Spend some time making yourself a playlist or CD of your favorite summer songs and listen to it while journaling. What kinds of songs are you drawn to? How do you feel when you listen to this music? What do these songs remind you of? Do you notice any common themes among the different songs?

Need some more journaling ideas for the great outdoors? We have 157 and counting journaling prompts all ready for you! 

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