Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

The 10 Question Journaling Health Check Up

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | May 15, 2012

When you go to the doctor’s office for a medical check-up, your physician records your vital statistics – height, weight, pulse, blood pressure – and asks you a number of questions about your general health and well-being. In the same way your body changes over time, your journal writing practice also evolves and changes. Take some time today to do a check-up on your journaling and see where you have been and where you are going.

Your Journaling Health

1. When did you first start journaling? How old were you? What inspired you to start journal writing? Can you remember anything you wrote about when you first began your journaling practice?

2. How often do you write in your journal? Have you been a continuous journaler, or is there an ebb and flow to your journaling habits? Why do you think you have adopted this pattern?

3. What rituals do you keep when journaling? Is there a time of day you prefer to write? Do you have a favorite pen or type of journal? Do you have regular habits while you journal, such as making a cup of tea or listening to music? How do these rituals enrich your journal writing experience?

4. When do you feel most compelled to write in your personal journal? Do you find that you write more when you are angry, sad, happy or confused? Do you write only when you are going through major events in your life or on a more daily basis?

5. What is your favorite part of journaling? How does it make you feel? Why do you continue to write (for self-discovery, self-improvement, health reasons, etc.)?

6. What is the most challenging part of journaling? What do you struggle with? What roadblocks or obstacles do you need to overcome?

7. What is the most significant journal writing experience you have had? Describe what happened and why it was important to you.

8. What do you like best about your current relationship with your personal journal? How do you think you have grown over time? What would you like to improve about your relationship with your journal?

9. What kind of journaling would you like to experiment with more (for example, art journaling or travel journaling)? What about it do you find appealing?

10. Do you ever go back and read your old journal entries? If yes, what do you find most interesting about this process? If no, why not?

Renew your writing inspiration with fresh new journaling ideas  (154 and counting…).



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