Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

Journal Writing: Inspiration and…Lift Off!

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | April 27, 2012

Guest Post by Debra DiPietro

I think of our journal notebooks (or Ipads or computers) as a special launch pad…

A launch pad for ideas and inspiration.

The Universe does not like a vacuum. If we are able to clear our minds, inspiration will follow.

Some activities I do before I write are: take a walk, swim laps, go for a bike ride, do a few yoga stretches, or just sit and close my eyes and breathe. Having emptied my cup, I am ready to write. There is no telling what may come out. There are times when I am struck with an idea during my walk, say, and I can’t wait to come home and flesh it out on paper.

There may also be times when I just start writing and see what comes of it. I am never disappointed.

When we can get quiet and still enough to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) something almost magical happens… We get in touch with the voice within us that is always there but is often covered up and muzzled by the busy-ness and din of daily life.

Through our journal writing we can get much inspiration. Just a few things that may happen to you as you write:

1. Ideas to start your own business

2. Strategies to deal with a current situation at work

3. A fun activity to do with your family this weekend,

4. Or a new vacation idea.

5. An “aha” or new insight about something you have been toiling with.

If you feel stuck in any area of your life, this kind of writing may help move some things around a bit…

The main thing is to relax and have fun.

Happy Writing!
The Warm Milk Journal


I am a mom and fifth grade teacher in Jacksonville, Florida. I have been a journal writer my whole life. I've struggled with issues of anxiety, insomnia, and insecurity. Writing has been a source of comfort, creative outlet, and healing.
Through my site, The Warm Milk Journal, I wish to support anybody who wants to live a well balanced day and enjoy a peaceful, restful night. None of us need to feel alone. We are all loved and supported.