Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

Journaling a Sweet Life

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | April 4, 2012

By Kathryn Jones 

You can laugh if you want, but going back, I actually see a young woman who has grown into a more secure being. Not that I am so sure of myself that I never get nervous when I stand in front of people to speak, it’s just that I can see what journal writing has done for me.

• Today I live a better life because I am able to reflect on my past to improve my future. I love seeing how a particular experience, whether it was handled correctly or not, has improved me somehow.

• I love laughing at my mistakes, and crying again, because it seems like I’m repeating the same course over, kind of like skinning an onion and trying to get down to the deeper levels.

• I love that I can share my feelings about God and that he cares about my life—because he has told me so.

If that makes me crazy, then so be it. But just so you know, as you journal your life, something happens to your perspective. It enlarges you. You may even see yourself for the first time. You may hate yourself and then love yourself in the next moment because of what you’ve learned from God, but you know that he loves you no matter what. You will see your mistakes more clearly because they are written down, and gain the courage to do something different the next time. You will see each dream, each hope, and each attempt as something more than mere dreams, hopes and attempts that keep you hidden away in your mind.

Writing things down keeps me sane, and I like the idea of being sane without having to spend a million bucks on therapy. I like the idea of getting my thoughts down on paper and watching them come to fruition.

Because of my journal, I have started a new business, begun to teach classes again in writing, and have felt the desire to help other writers through mentoring. Because of journaling my sweet life, I see that my life is truly worth living.

And that knowledge, most of all, takes the cake.


About the Author

Kathryn has been a published writer since 1987.  She has published various newspaper stories, magazine articles, essays and short stories for teens and adults.  She is the author of “A River of Stones,” a young adult fiction novel dealing with divorce published in 2002, and “Conquering your Goliaths—A Parable of the Five Stones,” a Christian novel published in January of 2012. Her newest creation, a “Conquering your Goliaths—Guidebook,” was published in February of 2012.

Amazon Conquering Your Goliaths: A Parable of the Five Stones

Amazon Conquering Your Goliaths: A Parable of the Five Stones (e-book):

Amazon Conquering Your Goliaths: Guidebook 

Barnes & Noble Conquering Your Goliaths: A Parable of the Five Stones

Barnes & Noble Conquering Your Goliaths: Guidebook

Kathryn's website is You can also purchase autographed copies of both books there.