Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

5 Ways to Get in the Mood for Journal Writing

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | March 1, 2012

Sometimes opening up your personal journal and picking up a pen can be like lacing up your running shoes and hitting the pavement. You know you will probably feel great once you get going, but overcoming inertia and getting started can be a real challenge.

The next time you want to write but just can’t seem to settle into your journaling zone, try some of these tips to get in the right mood. 

Find Your Journal Writing Happy Place :)

1. Get moving.

Exercise is a great way to clear your head and let go of some of the stresses and worries of the day. Take the dog for a walk around the neighborhood, dance in your living room or shoot some hoops with friends. Do something active that you enjoy, then take advantage of your post-exercise energy and start writing.

2. Quiet down.

You may not have as much quiet time as you would like in your day-to-day life. Make it a point to find a peaceful spot where you can gather your thoughts and relax before you begin journal writing. Focus on why you are looking forward to journaling and how you feel once you get going.

3. Listen up.

Music can change your mood for the better in a matter of seconds. Listen to a playlist of your favorite happy songs and sing along until you start to feel more relaxed. If you feel inspired as you rock out, use one of the songs as a prompt in your personal journal.

4. Sleep well.

Not getting enough shut-eye can have negative effects on your creativity and alertness. Try going to bed a half hour earlier each night and writing for a few minutes when you wake up in the morning.

5. Smell the roses.

Nature has a rejuvenating effect on the mind and body. If you are feeling cooped up and restless, grab your shoes and get some fresh air. Even a quick walk or a cup of tea in the garden can help you find your focus.

Please, please, please share your tips, tricks, secrets for how you get in the Mood for Journaling every day. Pretty please.

Maybe 145 and counting Journaling Ideas might get you in the Mood.


Need a  journal writing mood enhancing program? It starts April 2! Sign up for Create Write Now’s 27 Days Self-Discovery Journaling Challenge write now!