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Your Personal Journaling Awards Show: Lights, Camera, Action!

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | February 24, 2012

It’s that time of year when the big entertainment awards shows seem to take over the airwaves – the Golden Globes, the Grammys and (coming up this weekend) the Academy Awards. Pop culture enthusiasts and style watchers love to tune in to see which actors, musicians, artists and filmmakers are celebrated as the best and brightest of the past year.

Although it is fun to watch the red carpet festivities from the comfort of your living room, wouldn’t it be great if you could be a participant for a change? Don’t despair if you don’t have an invitation to the Oscars this year – through personal journaling, you can host your own event!

Journal Prompts for Your Personal Awards Show  

1. Open your journal to a new page. Think back on the previous year – the ups, the downs, the highlights, the main characters and the unforgettable moments. Use this reflection exercise to create your list of awards categories. Here are some ideas to get you started:

• Best Supportive Friend
• Most Interesting Person
• Happiest Event
• Biggest Challenge
• Proudest Accomplishment
• Best Trip
• Biggest Surprise
• New Favorite [Fill in the Blank]

2. Write down your final categories, and use each as a personal journaling prompt. Who or what would you select as the winner for each award? Why? What about the winner was unique or noteworthy? Write a short paragraph to describe the winner of each category. For the award winners who are people, have you expressed your appreciation to them? If not, brainstorm little ways you could show them you value their contributions. For example:

Best Supportive Friend: Carrie
We started as friendly co-workers, but we stayed in touch when I switched jobs. She is the most positive, encouraging person I know, and she is so good at seeing the best in people and the silver linings in tough situations. I don’t know how I would get through a week without meeting up with her for dinner or coffee!

Need more journaling ideas? Browse these creative journal prompts!

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