Mari's Journaling Power Blog | CreateWriteNow

Therapeutic Writing Bounces You Back from Failure

Written by Mari L. McCarthy | February 6, 2012

Whenever you take on a major goal – whether it’s learning a new skill for your job or completing a personal creative project – you’re sure to run into at least a few setbacks or obstacles along the way. It is hard not to get discouraged when you experience disappointment or failure, but remind yourself that this is a normal (and sometimes even necessary) part of growing.

Instead of giving up during tough times, turn to your journal and use therapeutic writing to pick yourself up and keep going. Find your supportive inner coach and listen to what he or she has to say!

Therapeutic Writing for When the Going Gets Tough
1. Start with a short period of reflection or meditation. Focus on your breathing and try to quiet your thoughts.

2. Open your journal, and spend a few minutes free-writing about the goal you are working toward and the challenges you are encountering. What is bothering you most right now? What major setbacks have you encountered? How are you feeling, and how is that affecting your progress?

3. What is the biggest failure you’ve experienced while working toward your goal? First, vent and write about why it upsets you. Then, try to examine it more objectively. What can you learn from this disappointment? What lessons can you take away to avoid similar situations in the future? What will you do differently going forward? How will this failure help you change or improve your plan of action? Is this similar to any situations you’ve encountered in the past?

4. Think back to why you started on this journey in the first place. What were you trying to achieve? Does that motivation still resonate with you? Do you need to reaffirm your original goal or revise it? Write down one sentence that sums up your goal and will keep you focused and persistent through any future bumps in the road. Refer back to it when you need words of encouragement.

How do you cope with failure? Do you ever use therapeutic writing to help you keep going? Share your experiences in the comments.